HEALTH INSURANCE: Benefits Costs are Up!

By Staff Reporters



Employers expect health benefit costs to rise by more than 5% on average in 2024 as factors like high inflation, health labor shortages, and expensive new therapies put pressure on plan spending after years of 3%–4% annual growth, early data suggests.

Preliminary results from Mercer’s 2023 National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans found that total health benefit costs could increase by as much as 6.6% per employee if companies do nothing to control spending, or an average of 5.4% if employers take steps to hold down costs.

That slight gap suggests most employers don’t plan to make cost-cutting changes to their plans—likely due to concerns about healthcare affordability, the analysis noted. Many large companies (with 500+ employees) have avoided shifting costs to employees over the last five years, resulting in little growth in deductibles and other cost-sharing requirements.



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By Staff Reporters

Today is National Coffee Day

To celebrate, enjoy a free coffee from a breakfast chain, and while you wait for it to cool, reflect on the fact that the cup of coffee in your hand is one of about 3 billion being consumed around the world just today—a number that has nearly doubled over the past three decades and is expected to double again by 2050, per the Financial Times.

BTW: Over the next two years, Starbucks is on pace to open a new store in China every nine hours.

NOTE: Key differences between a latte and coffee include:

  • Brew method: Lattes are made with an espresso base, while coffee is brewed with hot water.
  • Taste: Lattes are sweeter and creamier than coffee.
  • Caffeine: Lattes are less caffeinated than coffee.
  • Calories: Coffee is lower in calories than a latte.
  • Price: Lattes are typically more expensive than coffee due to the espresso base and the addition of milk.


Today is World Heart Day

Today is also World Heart Day, a reminder for patients to not miss a (heart) beat and check in on their cardiovascular health. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and not smoking can help lower your risk for heart disease, the CDC found.



The “New” Dental Support Organization Business Model

By Maia Anderson and Staff Reporters


Watch out, private practice ownership. According to HealthcareBrew, Dental Support Organizations (DSOs) are the hot new business model for dentistry.



DSOs are companies that take on all the business-related tasks necessary to run a dental practice, like IT support, accounting and billing, marketing, and facility maintenance, Lisa Ward, VP of communications at industry trade group the Association of Dental Support Organizations, told Healthcare Brew.

A DSO can own the dental practice it operates, or a private practice can contract with a DSO. Some DSOs are owned by a group of dentists, but private equity firms own many large DSOs, according to the Academy of General Dentistry.

The idea behind a DSO is that the “dentist can focus on patient care and not have to worry so much about the business side,” Ward said.

The DSO business model was created in 1975 but didn’t become popular until the 1990s, as dentists graduated with piles of student debt and found it hard to open their own practice, according to Huron Consulting Group.

Today, 10.3% of dentists are affiliated with a DSO, per investment banker Harris Williams. In 2020, 30% of dental school seniors said they planned to join a DSO-affiliated practice, compared to 12% in 2015, a survey from the American Dental Education Association found.

The rise in popularity of DSOs has brought about the decline of private practice ownership. In 2021, the number of dentists who owned their practices fell to 73%, according to research from the ADA.

Maia at







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MDs RETIRING: 23,000 Physicians Will Retire by 2026

By Staff Reporters




Thousands of doctors are expected to reach retirement age in the next three years, and their replacements won’t be physicians.


Instead, physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) will increasingly provide primary care services, according to a report from consulting firm Mercer.





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Become a Board CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™ and Thrive

Think Different – Be Different  – Thrive

[By Ann Miller RN MHA]

Letterhead CMP

Dear Physician Focused Financial Advisors

Did you know that desperate doctors of all ages are turning to knowledgeable financial advisors and medical management consultants for help? Symbiotically too, generalist advisors are finding that the mutual need for knowledge and extreme niche synergy is obvious.




But, there was no established curriculum or educational program; no corpus of knowledge or codifying terms-of-art; no academic gravitas or fiduciary accountability; and certainly no identifying professional designation that demonstrated integrated subject matter expertise for the increasingly unique healthcare focused financial advisory niche … Until Now! 


CMP logo

Enter the CMPs

“The informed voice of a new generation of fiduciary advisors for healthcare”

Think Different

 [Think Different – Be Different – Thrive]


CMP logo


So, if you are looking to supplement your knowledge, income and designations; and find other qualified professionals you may want to consider the CMP® program.

Enter the Certified Medical Planner™ charter professional designation. And, CMPs™ are FIDUCIARIES, 24/7.

Channel Surfing the ME-P

Have you visited our other topic channels? Established to facilitate idea exchange and link our community together, the value of these topics is dependent upon your input. Please take a minute to visit. And, to prevent that annoying spam, we ask that you register. It is fast, free and secure.


Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.


Become a CMP


Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


 Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners(TM)* 8

UBER Health: Rx Drug Delivery Service

By Staff Reporters

“Uber Health is foraying deeper into healthcare with a new feature that allows providers to order prescriptions to be dropped off at patients homes same-day. The same-day prescription delivery is meant to help patients adhere to a medication schedule.”

According to Rebecca Pifer of HealthCareDive:

  • Uber Health is foraying deeper into healthcare with a new feature that allows providers to order prescriptions to be dropped off at patients homes same-day.
  • The same-day prescription delivery is meant to help patients adhere to a medication schedule. The service is made possible through an integration of Uber Health’s dashboard with ScriptDrop, a tech platform connecting patients and pharmacies with couriers nationwide.
  • The company also said it expects to soon launch delivery of healthy food and over-the-counter medicine for patients, including Medicare Advantage and Medicaid beneficiaries.
  • CITE:





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LAWSUITS: Amazon, Facebook and Google

By Staff Reporters



Stocks are diving recently, giving the Dow its worst day since March as new data on declining home sales and consumer confidence gave investors the recession-could-be-coming jitters again.

And, Amazon dipped after the FTC filed its long-awaited anti-monopoly suit against the company. The FTC and 17 states delivered a sweeping lawsuit accusing the trillion-dollar e-commerce company of being an illegal monopoly. It’s the fourth lawsuit levied by the FTC against Amazon this year and easily the one with the most profound consequences for US antitrust legislation. The FTC and state attorneys general allege that Amazon abused its power by punishing sellers if they offered lower prices on other platforms, a practice that led to higher prices for consumers. Sellers on the marketplace were also allegedly coerced to use Amazon’s logistics and advertising services or face penalties like reduced visibility.

Meanwhile the FTC is also looking to break up both Google and Facebook but it is unclear if that’s the real goal here. The FTC asked for a permanent injunction to stop alleged misconduct. Bad news for Google which celebrates its’ 25th birthday today.


Thank You



Expanded Edition:


Physician Assets, Liabilities and Personal Net Worth

How are Assets and Liabilities Related to Doctor Net Worth?


Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA  

Before the relationship among financial assets, liabilities and net worth can be examined, some based definitions must be understood. 


[A] Short-Term Assets

Short-term goals (less than 12 months) require liquidity or short-term assets. These assets include cash, checking and saving accounts, certificates of deposit, and money market accounts. These accounts have two things in common. The principal is guaranteed from risk of loss, and pay a very low interest rate.  As an investment, they are considered substandard and one would only keep what is actually needed for liquidity purposes in these accounts.           

[B] Long-Term Assets

Longer-term assets (more than 12 months) include real estate, mutual funds, retirement plans, stocks, and life insurance cash value policies. Bonds may also be an appropriate long-term investment asset for a number of reasons, for example, if you are seeking a regular and reliable stream of income or if you have no immediate need for the amount of the principal invested. Bonds also can be used to diversify your portfolio and reducing the overall risk that is inherent in stock investments. 

[C] Short-Term Liabilities

Short-term liabilities (less than 12 months) include credit card debt, utility bills, and auto loans or leasing. When a young doctor leaves residency and starts practice, the foremost concern is student debt. This is an unsecured debt that is not backed by any collateral, except a promise to pay. There are recourses that an unsecured creditor can take to recoup the bad debt. Usually, if the unsecured creditor is successful obtaining a judgment, it can force wages to be garnished, and the Department of Education can withhold up to ten percent of a wages without first initiating a lawsuit, if in default.  It is also probable that young medical professionals have been holding at least one credit card since their sophomore year in college.  Credit card companies consider college student the most lucrative target market and medical students hold their first card for an average of fifteen years. There are several other types of other unsecured debt, including department store cards, professional fees, medical and dental bills, alimony, child support, rent; utility bills, personal loans from relatives, and health club dues, to name a few.  

[D] Long-Term Liabilities

A secured debt, on the other hand, is debt that is pledged by a specific property. This is a collateralized loan. Generally, the purchased item is pledged with the proceeds of the loan. This would include long-term liabilities (more than 12 months) such as a mortgage, home equity loan, or a car loan. Although the creditor has the ability to take possession of your property in order to recover a bad debt, it is done very rarely. A creditor is more interested in recovering money. Sometimes, when borrowing money, there may be a requirement to pledge assets that are owned prior to the loan.  

For example, a personal loan from a finance company requires that you pledge all personal property such as your car, furniture, and equipment.  The same property may become subject to a judicial lien if you are sued and a judgment is made against you. In this case, you would not be able to sell or pledge these assets until the judgment is satisfied.

A common example of a lien would be from unpaid federal, state or local taxes. Doctors can be found personally liable for unpaid payroll taxes of employees in their professional corporations.  Be aware that some assets and liabilities defy short or long-term definition. When this happens, simply be consistent in your comparison of financial statements, over time. 

[E] Personal Physician Net Worth

Once the value of all personal assets and liabilities is known, net worth can be determined with the following formula: Net worth = assets minus liabilities. Obviously, higher is better.  In The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas H. Stanley, PhD, and William H. Danko give the following benchmark for net worth accumulation. Although conservative for physicians of a past generation, it may be more applicable in the future because of current managed care environment.

Here is the guide: Multiple your age by your annual pre-tax income from all sources – except inheritances – and divide by ten. 

Real-Life Medical Example: As an HMO pediatrician, Dr. Curtis earned $ 60,000 last year. So, if she is 35, her net worth should be at least $ 210,000.

How do you get to that point? In a word, consume less, save more and watch the student loans. Stanley and Danko found that the typical millionaire set aside 15 percent of earned income annually and has enough invested to survive 10 years, at current income levels if he stopped working.  Now, if Dr. Curtis lost her job tomorrow, how long could she pay herself the same salary? 

[F] Common Liability Management Mistakes

 A common liability management mistake is not recognizing when you are heading for trouble. If doctors are paying only the minimum payments on credit card debt, while continuing to charge purchases at a rate faster than the pay-down, trouble is brewing. If you don’t categorize your debt, you could find yourself paying down non-priority debt while ignoring priority debt.

A priority debt is one that is essential or subject to serious consequences, if not paid. Examples include rent, mortgage payments, utility bills, child support, car payments, unpaid taxes, and other secured debt. If in one month, a doctor had to choose between paying his accounting bill or his rent, it would be essential to pay the rent. 



Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.

Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:

OUR OTHER PRINT BOOKS AND RELATED INFORMATION SOURCES:Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners(TM)Invite Dr. Marcinko


PODCAST: The Business of Doctoring

By Eric Bricker MD





Thank You



On Merging Medical Practices

By David Edward Marcinko MBA CMP



Merging Medical Practices

There are only three possibilities if you want to go into practice for yourself; buy a practice; franchise a business, or start one. However, if you have an existing practice, merging it to form a larger entity can be a satisfying experience. The pace of practice mergers is accelerating, but it is often difficult to make an informed judgment about synergy. Mergers make sense only if the resulting value is more than additive to the original; not duplicative.


Unfortunately, far too many mergers fail to create, or actually destroy existing value. So, look for complimentary processes, personalities and ideas. In a merger of two existing practices, there is no substitute for personal interaction between employees and physician-management. This creates cross-pollination and new ideas in everything from service-lines and the patient production process, to marketing and finance, and to proprietary and intellectual rights. Most importantly, it allows
diversity of ideas.

And so, the following are questions to consider when contemplating a medical practice

 What are the risks of this transaction and how are they mitigated?
 Will talented employees be retained on both sides and can an exodus be
 Are the specific liabilities of each practice known? Remember, the farther outside
your area of specialty or expertise, the greater the risk of being wrong.
 Will I appraise each practice independently, and correctly?
 Where will employee allegiance rest?
 What is the name, and logo, of the new entity? Who will be the CEO?

Vertical Integration:



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Become a Board CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™ and Thrive

Think Different – Be Different  – Thrive

[By Ann Miller RN MHA]

Letterhead CMP

Dear Physician Focused Financial Advisors

Did you know that desperate doctors of all ages are turning to knowledgeable financial advisors and medical management consultants for help? Symbiotically too, generalist advisors are finding that the mutual need for knowledge and extreme niche synergy is obvious.




But, there was no established curriculum or educational program; no corpus of knowledge or codifying terms-of-art; no academic gravitas or fiduciary accountability; and certainly no identifying professional designation that demonstrated integrated subject matter expertise for the increasingly unique healthcare focused financial advisory niche … Until Now! 


CMP logo

Enter the CMPs

“The informed voice of a new generation of fiduciary advisors for healthcare”

Think Different

 [Think Different – Be Different – Thrive]


CMP logo


So, if you are looking to supplement your knowledge, income and designations; and find other qualified professionals you may want to consider the CMP® program.

Enter the Certified Medical Planner™ charter professional designation. And, CMPs™ are FIDUCIARIES, 24/7.

Channel Surfing the ME-P

Have you visited our other topic channels? Established to facilitate idea exchange and link our community together, the value of these topics is dependent upon your input. Please take a minute to visit. And, to prevent that annoying spam, we ask that you register. It is fast, free and secure.


Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.


Become a CMP


Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


 Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners(TM)* 8

CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™: Helping Physicians Financially Thrive to Avoid the “Doctor Effect”

By Dr. David Edward Marcinko, MBA CMP

CEO: D.E. Marcinko & Associates, Inc.




Several years ago a group of highly trusted and deeply experienced financial services professionals and estate planners noted that far too many of their mature physician clients, using traditional stock brokers, management consultants and financial advisors, seemed to be less successful than those who went it alone. These Do-it-Yourselfers [DIYs] had setbacks and made mistakes, for sure. But, the ME Inc doctors seemed to learn from their mistakes and did not incur the high management and service fees demanded from general or retail one-size-fits-all “advisors.”

In fact, an informal inverse relationship was noted, and dubbed the “Doctor Effect.” In others words, the more consultants an individual doctor retained; the less well they did in all disciplines of the financial planning and medical practice management, continuum.

Of course, the reason for this discrepancy eluded many of them as Wall Street brokerages and wire-houses flooded the media with messages, infomercials, print, radio, TV, texts, tweets, and internet ads to the contrary. Rather than self-learn the basics, the prevailing sentiment seemed to purse the holy grail of finding the “perfect financial advisor.” This realization was a confirmation of the industry culture which seemed to be: Bread for the advisor – Crumbs for the client!

And so, at D.E. Marcinko & Associates, our informed cadre’ of technology focused and highly educated doctors, nurses, financial advisors, attorneys, accountants, psychologists and educational visionaries decided there must be a better way for healthcare colleagues to receive financial planning advice, products and related management services within a culture of fiduciary responsibility.

We trust you agree with this ME Inc, and Certified Medical Planner™ consulting philosophy, as illustrated  on our website.










There are a Myriad of Reasons for Obtaining a Medical Practice Valuation and Appraisal Engagement:

  • Outright selling-buying
  • Partnership and Associate buy-in / buy-out
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Organic growth tracking
  • Hospital integrations
  • Private and public reporting
  • Financing and Venture Capital
  • Estate and tax planning


Our Capability

We have the ability to provide extensive analysis of value components in healthcare practices and provide appraisals based on business, economic, and market conditions. This involves detailed examination of financials and clinical data in the context of numerous factors including medical specialty, physician supply and demand, payer mix, regulatory environment, regional dynamics, and risk premium.






PHARMACISTS: Stage CVS Health Walk-Out?

By Staff Reporters



Nearly two dozen pharmacists at the nation’s largest retail pharmacy chain staged a walkout in the Kansas City metro area this week over working conditions they say put CVS Health pharmacists and patients at risk. 


The walkout began Thursday and continued into Friday. Organizers said they had shuttered numerous pharmacies across the metro area, which covers a portion of eastern Kansas and western Missouri. Some pharmacies outside the metro area also have joined. They estimated at least 22 locations had closed.


While the group’s specific complaints focus on store staffing and quotas, the walkout reflects a rising outcry from pharmacists at several national pharmacy chains. They say their work requirements leave them unable to safely fill and verify prescriptions, putting patients at risk of serious harm or even death.



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RSV VACCINE: CDC OK’s Pfizer Maternal Shots

By Staff Reporters



Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), also called human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) and human orthopneumovirus, is a common, contagious virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract. It is a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. Its name is derived from the large cells known as syncytia that form when infected cells fuse.


CDC panel backs Pfizer’s maternal RSV vaccine

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee yesterday recommended administering the vaccine to pregnant people during the third trimester to prevent infants from contracting the virus.

The vaccine is already available, and another RSV vaccine made by AstraZeneca and Sanofi, which is given directly to babies, also won approval recently. RSV sends ~80,000 children under five to US hospitals annually, according to the CDC, and it’s the second leading cause of death for under-one-year-olds globally.






MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching

By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.



Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141





By Staff Reporters



Stocks dropped for the third straight day after Fed officials said they plan to keep interest rates higher for longer than they previously thought. Meanwhile, Fox shares jumped 3% on the news Rupert Murdoch is stepping down as chairman of the mass media company (much more on that below).


US jobless claims fell to an eight-month low

Applications for unemployment benefits dropped 20,000 to 201,000 last week, according to Labor Department data released yesterday. That was both the fewest number of claims since January and also among the fewest in the last 50 years. But it may not last for long.

The ongoing United Auto Workers strike could force car manufacturers to temporarily lay off more workers, leading to a reversal of what one analyst called “rock bottom levels” of job cuts.




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MICRO-CREDENTIALS: For Financial Advisors Seeking Physician-Client Niche Success?

Micro-Credentials on the Rise






Do you ever wish you could acquire specific information for your career activities without having to complete a university Master’s Degree or finish our entire Certified Medical Planner™ professional designation program? Well, Micro-Certifications from the Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc., might be the answer. Read on to learn how our three Micro-Certifications offer new opportunities for professional growth in the medical practice, business management, health economics and financial planning, investing and advisory space for physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals.

Micro-Certification Basics

Stock-Brokers, Financial Advisors, Investment Advisors, Accountants, Consultants, Financial Analyists and Financial Planners need to enhance their knowledge skills to better serve the changing and challenging healthcare professional ecosystem. But, it can be difficult to learn and demonstrate mastery of these new skills to employers, clients, physicians or medical prospects. This makes professional advancement difficult. That’s where Micro-Certification and Micro-Credentialing enters the online educational space. It is the process of earning a Micro-Certification, which is like a mini-degree or mini-credential, in a very specific topical area.

Micro-Certification Requirements

Once you’ve completed all of the requirements for our Micro-Certification, you will be awarded proof that you’ve earned it. This might take the form of a paper or digital certificate, which may be a hard document or electronic image, transcript, file, or other official evidence that you’ve completed the necessary work.

Uses of Micro-Certifications

Micro-Certifications may be used to demonstrate to physicians prospective medical clients that you’ve mastered a certain knowledge set. Because of this, Micro-Certifications are useful for those financial service professionals seeking medical clients, employment or career advancement opportunities.

Examples of iMBA, Inc., Micro-Certifications

Here are the three most popular Micro-Certification course from the Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc:

  • 1. Health Insurance and Managed Care: To keep up with the ever-changing field of health care physician advice, you must learn new medical practice business models in order to attract and assist physicians and nurse clients. By bringing together the most up-to-date business and medical prctice models [Medicare, Medicaid, PP-ACA, POSs, EPOs, HMOs, PPOs, IPA’s, PPMCs, Accountable Care Organizations, Concierge Medicine, Value Based Care, Physician Pay-for-Performance Initiatives, Hospitalists, Retail and Whole-Sale Medicine, Health Savings Accounts and Medical Unions, etc], this iMBA Inc., Mini-Certification offers a wealth of essential information that will help you understand the ever-changing practices in the next generation of health insurance and managed medical care.
  • 2. Health Economics and Finance: Medical economics, finance, managerial and cost accounting is an integral component of the health care industrial complex. It is broad-based and covers many other industries: insurance, mathematics and statistics, public and population health, provider recruitment and retention, health policy, forecasting, aging and long-term care, and Venture Capital are all commingled arenas. It is essential knowledge that all financial services professionals seeking to serve in the healthcare advisory niche space should possess.
  • 3. Health Information Technology and Security: There is a myth that all physician focused financial advisors understand Health Information Technology [HIT]. In truth, it is often economically misused or financially misunderstood. Moreover, an emerging national HIT architecture often puts the financial advisor or financial planner in a position of maximum uncertainty and minimum productivity regarding issues like: Electronic Medical Records [EMRs] or Electronic Health Records [EHRs], mobile health, tele-health or tele-medicine, Artificial Intelligence [AI], benefits managers and human resource professionals.

Other Topics include: economics, finance, investing, marketing, advertising, sales, start-ups, business plan creation, financial planning and entrepreneurship, etc.

How to Start Learning and Earning Recognition for Your Knowledge

Now that you’re familiar with Micro-Credentialing, you might consider earning a Micro-Certification with us. We offer 3 official Micro-Certificates by completing a one month online course, with a live instructor consisting of twelve asynchronous lessons/online classes [3/wk X 4/weeks = 12 classes]. The earned official completion certificate can be used to demonstrate mastery of a specific skill set and shared with current or future employers, current clients or medical niche financial advisory prospects.

Mini-Certification Tuition, Books and Related Fees

The tuition for each Mini-Certification live online course is $1,250 with the purchase of one required dictionary handbook. Other additional guides, white-papers, videos, files and e-content are all supplied without charge. Alternative courses may be developed in the future subject to demand and may change without notice.


Contact: For more information, or to speak with an academic representative, please contact Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™ at Email: [24/7] -OR- 770-448-0769[9:00 – 5:00 EST].



FQHC: Medicaid Renewal Barriers

By Saff Reporters



For almost 60 years, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) have played a key role in providing medically underserved populations and areas with affordable and quality care, regardless of a person’s ability to pay.

Now these nonprofit community health centers are on the front line as states work through a three-year backlog of Medicaid eligibility determinations—a process that was put on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic after the federal government offered states higher reimbursements in exchange for keeping recipients enrolled in Medicaid programs.


As many as 17 million people could lose Medicaid coverage due to ineligibility or other renewal barriers during the unwinding period, which began April 1, according to KFF estimates. At least 5.4 million people have lost Medicaid coverage as of August 23rd according to data from 45 states and Washington, DC, KFF reported.

With FQHCs caring for an estimated one in six Medicaid recipients, community health centers across the US have beefed up their efforts to help patients through the transition and brace for any potential fallout. About 86.8 million people were enrolled in Medicaid nationwide as of the end of May, according to federal estimates.



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M&As and ESG = PROFIT?


By Staff Reporters



Companies’ ESG efforts can prove profitable when it comes to M&As, according to a recent KPMG US ESG survey, which showed that 41% of business leaders see ESG as a major source of financial value during M&As.


The survey polled 201 business leaders with ESG responsibilities at companies with more than $1 billion in revenue. Respondents were asked to rate how much value ESG brought them in different areas on a seven-point scale. KPMG interpreted scores of six or seven as indicative of major financial value.

Maybe Not:

The findings are in line with KPMG’s recent ESG Due Diligence Survey, which found that ESG weaknesses can spell trouble during M&As. In that survey, 53% of corporate investors said they had canceled business deals because of ESG weaknesses uncovered during due diligence. A recent BDO survey likewise found that more than 80% of private equity fund managers have walked away from a deal due to ESG concerns.




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“Insurance & Risk Management Strategies for Doctors”

“Fiduciary Financial Planning for Physicians”

“Business of Medical Practice 2.0”


“Financial Management Strategies for Hospitals”

“Operational Strategies for Clinics and Hospitals”




Open Letter from the CEO

Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA CMP™


Did you know that at MARCINKO & Associates, all medical colleagues throughout the United States may contact us when they are considering the sale, purchase, strategic operating improvement, merger, acquisition and/or other financial business or related personal financial planning transaction?



Our difference is “hard” knowledge and insider financial guidance that helps medical colleagues, nurses, private practitioners, clinics, ambulatory surgery, radiology and outpatient wound care centers realize their ultimate economic goals. This typically includes managerial and cost accounting, financial ratio analysis, fair market valuation business appraisals, business plan creation and personal financial planning.


Our “expert witness” business litigation support service and divorce mediation, arbitration, asset division, settlement and second opinion offerings are always available, as well.


And, our “soft” skill professional career guidance and mentoring center includes executive coaching, consulting and mentoring advisory programs for stressed, conflicted or burned-out physicians and medical practitioners.



Most importantly, our professional fees are reasonable and always transparent.

MARCINKO & Associates also serves universities, medical, business, graduate and nursing schools; physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists and legal societies. This includes accountants, financial service providers, wealth and hedge fund managers, emerging entities, hospitals, CEOs and their BODs, the press, media and related organizations.


Contact us for an educational white-paper on most any topic.



Now, please review our website to learn more.

And, always retain us when needed.

How May We Serve You?



© Copyright: Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc. All rights reserved, USA. Present to 2024.

MICRO-CREDENTIALS: For Financial Advisors Seeking Physician-Client Niche Success?

Micro-Credentials on the Rise






Do you ever wish you could acquire specific information for your career activities without having to complete a university Master’s Degree or finish our entire Certified Medical Planner™ professional designation program? Well, Micro-Certifications from the Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc., might be the answer. Read on to learn how our three Micro-Certifications offer new opportunities for professional growth in the medical practice, business management, health economics and financial planning, investing and advisory space for physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals.

Micro-Certification Basics

Stock-Brokers, Financial Advisors, Investment Advisors, Accountants, Consultants, Financial Analyists and Financial Planners need to enhance their knowledge skills to better serve the changing and challenging healthcare professional ecosystem. But, it can be difficult to learn and demonstrate mastery of these new skills to employers, clients, physicians or medical prospects. This makes professional advancement difficult. That’s where Micro-Certification and Micro-Credentialing enters the online educational space. It is the process of earning a Micro-Certification, which is like a mini-degree or mini-credential, in a very specific topical area.

Micro-Certification Requirements

Once you’ve completed all of the requirements for our Micro-Certification, you will be awarded proof that you’ve earned it. This might take the form of a paper or digital certificate, which may be a hard document or electronic image, transcript, file, or other official evidence that you’ve completed the necessary work.

Uses of Micro-Certifications

Micro-Certifications may be used to demonstrate to physicians prospective medical clients that you’ve mastered a certain knowledge set. Because of this, Micro-Certifications are useful for those financial service professionals seeking medical clients, employment or career advancement opportunities.

Examples of iMBA, Inc., Micro-Certifications

Here are the three most popular Micro-Certification course from the Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc:

  • 1. Health Insurance and Managed Care: To keep up with the ever-changing field of health care physician advice, you must learn new medical practice business models in order to attract and assist physicians and nurse clients. By bringing together the most up-to-date business and medical prctice models [Medicare, Medicaid, PP-ACA, POSs, EPOs, HMOs, PPOs, IPA’s, PPMCs, Accountable Care Organizations, Concierge Medicine, Value Based Care, Physician Pay-for-Performance Initiatives, Hospitalists, Retail and Whole-Sale Medicine, Health Savings Accounts and Medical Unions, etc], this iMBA Inc., Mini-Certification offers a wealth of essential information that will help you understand the ever-changing practices in the next generation of health insurance and managed medical care.
  • 2. Health Economics and Finance: Medical economics, finance, managerial and cost accounting is an integral component of the health care industrial complex. It is broad-based and covers many other industries: insurance, mathematics and statistics, public and population health, provider recruitment and retention, health policy, forecasting, aging and long-term care, and Venture Capital are all commingled arenas. It is essential knowledge that all financial services professionals seeking to serve in the healthcare advisory niche space should possess.
  • 3. Health Information Technology and Security: There is a myth that all physician focused financial advisors understand Health Information Technology [HIT]. In truth, it is often economically misused or financially misunderstood. Moreover, an emerging national HIT architecture often puts the financial advisor or financial planner in a position of maximum uncertainty and minimum productivity regarding issues like: Electronic Medical Records [EMRs] or Electronic Health Records [EHRs], mobile health, tele-health or tele-medicine, Artificial Intelligence [AI], benefits managers and human resource professionals.

Other Topics include: economics, finance, investing, marketing, advertising, sales, start-ups, business plan creation, financial planning and entrepreneurship, etc.

How to Start Learning and Earning Recognition for Your Knowledge

Now that you’re familiar with Micro-Credentialing, you might consider earning a Micro-Certification with us. We offer 3 official Micro-Certificates by completing a one month online course, with a live instructor consisting of twelve asynchronous lessons/online classes [3/wk X 4/weeks = 12 classes]. The earned official completion certificate can be used to demonstrate mastery of a specific skill set and shared with current or future employers, current clients or medical niche financial advisory prospects.

Mini-Certification Tuition, Books and Related Fees

The tuition for each Mini-Certification live online course is $1,250 with the purchase of one required dictionary handbook. Other additional guides, white-papers, videos, files and e-content are all supplied without charge. Alternative courses may be developed in the future subject to demand and may change without notice.


Contact: For more information, or to speak with an academic representative, please contact Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™ at Email: [24/7] -OR- 770-448-0769[9:00 – 5:00 EST].



ECONOMIC INDICATORS: “Lipstick Index” and “Cosmetic” Others?

By Staff Reporters




DEFINITION: According to Wikipedia, the lipstick index is a term coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estee Lauder, used to describe increased sales of cosmetics during the early 2000s recession. Lauder made the claim that lipstick sales could be an economic indicator, in that purchases of cosmetics – lipstick in particular – tend to be inversely correlated to economic health. The speculation was that women substitute lipstick for more expensive purchases like dresses and shoes in times of economic distress.

Lauder identified the Lipstick index as sales across the Estee Lauder family of brands. Subsequent recessions, including the late-2000s recession, provided controverting evidence to Lauder’s claims, as sales have actually fallen with reduced economic activity. Conversely, lipstick sales have experienced growth during periods of increased economic activity. As a result, the lipstick index has been discredited as an economic indicator. The increased sales of cosmetics in 2001 has since been attributed to increased interest in celebrity-designed cosmetics brands.

In the 2010s, many media outlets reported that with the rise of nail art as fad in the English-speaking countries and as far afield as Japan and the Philippines, nail-polish had replaced lipstick as the main affordable indulgence for women in place of bags and shoes during recession, leading to talk of a Nail Polish index. Similar sentiment was noted during the coronavirus pandemic, when the mandated use of face masks to prevent the spread of the disease resulted in an increase of eye makeup purchases, suggesting a Mascara index.



Now, decades after former Estée Lauder chairman Leonard Lauder first recognized the infamous “lipstick index”—the idea that cosmetics sales hold steady and sometimes spike during economic downturns—the same company posted a relatively downbeat earnings report.

Currently, the economy’s not great, but not abysmal, which makes for two possible interpretations of Estée Lauder’s latest report: Either the economy’s better than it seems, or the lipstick index was always a bit off.

The cosmetics giant reported declining sales figures, while weakening its full-year forecast. “For full-year fiscal 2023, we delivered organic sales growth and prestige beauty share gains in many developed and emerging markets, but Asia travel retail pressured results, particularly in skin care, and we continued to experience softness in North America,” the report said.


Waffle House Index:


Thank You




MBA: Entrepreneurs Purchasing Small Companies




MBA graduates used to buy new suits for their desk jobs. Now, they acquire entire companies. That’s part of a recent business phenomenon called “entrepreneurship through acquisition,” or ETA. Unlike the venture capital model, ETA involves buying an existing company rather than starting one from scratch. And it’s surging in popularity in business school lecture halls.

How does it work? 

MBAs are taught how to find a company to acquire and most students will either:

  • Self-fund, usually with the help of a Small Business Association loan, or
  • Use a “core” search fund, which includes two rounds of fundraising from venture capital investors.

Why is it popular? 

Hiring for elite MBA grads slowed in 2023, leaving some young people eager to flex their business bona fides in other ways. Graduates say acquiring small businesses offers a sense of purpose they can’t get at most consulting or banking gigs. The timing works out: Lots of baby boomers are looking to sell their companies and retire.


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There are a Myriad of Reasons for Obtaining a Medical Practice Valuation and Appraisal Engagement:

  • Outright selling-buying
  • Partnership and Associate buy-in / buy-out
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Organic growth tracking
  • Hospital integrations
  • Private and public reporting
  • Financing and Venture Capital
  • Estate and tax planning


Our Capability

We have the ability to provide extensive analysis of value components in healthcare practices and provide appraisals based on business, economic, and market conditions. This involves detailed examination of financials and clinical data in the context of numerous factors including medical specialty, physician supply and demand, payer mix, regulatory environment, regional dynamics, and risk premium.






DENTAL CLINIC: NYC Health and Bellevue Hospitals Expansion

By Staff Reporters


NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue is seeking approval to expand its outpatient dental clinic, according to Healthcare Brew and plans filed with the state this week.

The $830,000+ renovation of Bellevue’s clinical space would double the number of dental chairs from three to six, and allow the Manhattan public hospital to “meet the existing demand for dental services, meet the training requirements of the dental general practice residency program, and allow for additional growth to meet the oral health needs of the under served and uninsured population in the community,” according to the application.


Bellevue reported that each of its dental chairs has an average annual utilization rate of 2,000 visits, or about 6,000 total visits a year. According to the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, “most safety net dentists see 2,500–3,200 patient visits per year, with the yearly national average coming in at 2,600.”


Thank You



KLAVIYO: Opens Above IPO Price

By Staff Reporters

Klaviyo, the digital marketing software company popped more than 20% above its IPO price of $30/share during its first day of trading yesterday and ultimately ended the day 9% up. This performance will likely help other tech companies to feel confident enough to go public.


But, for those keeping score of the IPO market at home, this week’s other high-profile, venture-backed market entrant, Instacart, fell yesterday after an initial bump following its Tuesday debut.



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PODCAST: Medicare Advantage [Part C] Fraud?

By Eric Bricker MD





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RITE AID: Gets it Financially Wrong?

By Staff Reporters



Last quarter, interest expense grew to $65 million from $48 million last year, contributing to Rite Aid reporting a net loss of $306.7 million despite sales of $5.6 billion. Management forecasts a net loss of between $650 million and $680 million for the full fiscal year 2024. Rite Aid’s losses leave it with little financial wiggle room to navigate two significant headwinds: a looming lawsuit and increasing losses from theft.


In March, for example, the Department of Justice filed a civil suit against Rite Aid, claiming pharmacists “repeatedly filled prescriptions for controlled substances with obvious red flags” and alleging it “intentionally deleted internal notes about suspicious prescribers.”

The lawsuit continues a string of high-profile cases brought against companies contributing to the spread of the opioid epidemic. Opioid drugmakers Purdue Pharma, Endo Pharmaceuticals, and Mallinckrodt have already declared bankruptcy because of lawsuits. Walgreens and CVS Health have inked opioid settlements valued at $5.7 billion and $4.9 billion over the past year.

How much Rite Aid would need to pay to settle its suit remains to be seen, but a billion-dollar price tag isn’t unfathomable, given Walgreens and CVS’ outcomes. 




Thank You



D.E. MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching

By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At D.E. Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

D.E. Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.



Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141




Become a Board CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™ and Thrive

Think Different – Be Different  – Thrive

[By Ann Miller RN MHA]

Letterhead CMP

Dear Physician Focused Financial Advisors

Did you know that desperate doctors of all ages are turning to knowledgeable financial advisors and medical management consultants for help? Symbiotically too, generalist advisors are finding that the mutual need for knowledge and extreme niche synergy is obvious.




But, there was no established curriculum or educational program; no corpus of knowledge or codifying terms-of-art; no academic gravitas or fiduciary accountability; and certainly no identifying professional designation that demonstrated integrated subject matter expertise for the increasingly unique healthcare focused financial advisory niche … Until Now! 


CMP logo

Enter the CMPs

“The informed voice of a new generation of fiduciary advisors for healthcare”

Think Different

 [Think Different – Be Different – Thrive]


CMP logo


So, if you are looking to supplement your knowledge, income and designations; and find other qualified professionals you may want to consider the CMP® program.

Enter the Certified Medical Planner™ charter professional designation. And, CMPs™ are FIDUCIARIES, 24/7.

Channel Surfing the ME-P

Have you visited our other topic channels? Established to facilitate idea exchange and link our community together, the value of these topics is dependent upon your input. Please take a minute to visit. And, to prevent that annoying spam, we ask that you register. It is fast, free and secure.


Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.


Become a CMP


Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


 Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners(TM)* 8

IPOs: More Caution Ahead

By Staff Reporters



From 2020 to 2021, when VC money was cheap and tech IPOs were hot, the tech companies that went public via IPO were mostly growth-focused unicorns that had yet to see any profits. But Instacart, which has turned a profit for the last five quarters, is something different.

Chip design company Arm, which debuted last week in the year’s biggest IPO, was the first venture-capital-backed startup to go public in the US since December 2021. It may have broken the ice, but Instacart is the next big test.

However, being profitable and being valuable aren’t the same thing. In 2020, investors valued Instacart at $39 billion, its highest valuation and roughly $29 billion more than what it’s expected to be worth to investors today.

  • Late-stage investors in Instacart, such as Fidelity and T. Rowe Price, stand to lose 40% or more.
  • Sequoia Capital—Instacart’s largest external shareholder—was also one of its earliest. Its initial $8 million investment in 2013 is worth $1 billion today, but its later investment of $50 million in 2021 has shrunk to $12 million.



Thank You



MICRO-CERTIFICATIONS: For Financial Advisors Seeking Physician-Client Niche Success?

Micro-Credentials on the Rise






Do you ever wish you could acquire specific information for your career activities without having to complete a university Master’s Degree or finish our entire Certified Medical Planner™ professional designation program? Well, Micro-Certifications from the Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc., might be the answer. Read on to learn how our three Micro-Certifications offer new opportunities for professional growth in the medical practice, business management, health economics and financial planning, investing and advisory space for physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals.

Micro-Certification Basics

Stock-Brokers, Financial Advisors, Investment Advisors, Accountants, Consultants, Financial Analyists and Financial Planners need to enhance their knowledge skills to better serve the changing and challenging healthcare professional ecosystem. But, it can be difficult to learn and demonstrate mastery of these new skills to employers, clients, physicians or medical prospects. This makes professional advancement difficult. That’s where Micro-Certification and Micro-Credentialing enters the online educational space. It is the process of earning a Micro-Certification, which is like a mini-degree or mini-credential, in a very specific topical area.

Micro-Certification Requirements

Once you’ve completed all of the requirements for our Micro-Certification, you will be awarded proof that you’ve earned it. This might take the form of a paper or digital certificate, which may be a hard document or electronic image, transcript, file, or other official evidence that you’ve completed the necessary work.

Uses of Micro-Certifications

Micro-Certifications may be used to demonstrate to physicians prospective medical clients that you’ve mastered a certain knowledge set. Because of this, Micro-Certifications are useful for those financial service professionals seeking medical clients, employment or career advancement opportunities.

Examples of iMBA, Inc., Micro-Certifications

Here are the three most popular Micro-Certification course from the Institute of Medical Business Advisors, Inc:

  • 1. Health Insurance and Managed Care: To keep up with the ever-changing field of health care physician advice, you must learn new medical practice business models in order to attract and assist physicians and nurse clients. By bringing together the most up-to-date business and medical prctice models [Medicare, Medicaid, PP-ACA, POSs, EPOs, HMOs, PPOs, IPA’s, PPMCs, Accountable Care Organizations, Concierge Medicine, Value Based Care, Physician Pay-for-Performance Initiatives, Hospitalists, Retail and Whole-Sale Medicine, Health Savings Accounts and Medical Unions, etc], this iMBA Inc., Mini-Certification offers a wealth of essential information that will help you understand the ever-changing practices in the next generation of health insurance and managed medical care.
  • 2. Health Economics and Finance: Medical economics, finance, managerial and cost accounting is an integral component of the health care industrial complex. It is broad-based and covers many other industries: insurance, mathematics and statistics, public and population health, provider recruitment and retention, health policy, forecasting, aging and long-term care, and Venture Capital are all commingled arenas. It is essential knowledge that all financial services professionals seeking to serve in the healthcare advisory niche space should possess.
  • 3. Health Information Technology and Security: There is a myth that all physician focused financial advisors understand Health Information Technology [HIT]. In truth, it is often economically misused or financially misunderstood. Moreover, an emerging national HIT architecture often puts the financial advisor or financial planner in a position of maximum uncertainty and minimum productivity regarding issues like: Electronic Medical Records [EMRs] or Electronic Health Records [EHRs], mobile health, tele-health or tele-medicine, Artificial Intelligence [AI], benefits managers and human resource professionals.

Other Topics include: economics, finance, investing, marketing, advertising, sales, start-ups, business plan creation, financial planning and entrepreneurship, etc.

How to Start Learning and Earning Recognition for Your Knowledge

Now that you’re familiar with Micro-Credentialing, you might consider earning a Micro-Certification with us. We offer 3 official Micro-Certificates by completing a one month online course, with a live instructor consisting of twelve asynchronous lessons/online classes [3/wk X 4/weeks = 12 classes]. The earned official completion certificate can be used to demonstrate mastery of a specific skill set and shared with current or future employers, current clients or medical niche financial advisory prospects.

Mini-Certification Tuition, Books and Related Fees

The tuition for each Mini-Certification live online course is $1,250 with the purchase of one required dictionary handbook. Other additional guides, white-papers, videos, files and e-content are all supplied without charge. Alternative courses may be developed in the future subject to demand and may change without notice.


Contact: For more information, or to speak with an academic representative, please contact Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™ at Email: [24/7] -OR- 770-448-0769[9:00 – 5:00 EST].


D.E. MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching

By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At D.E. Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

D.E. Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.



Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141





By Staff Reporters

Medicare enrollees could save $500+ per year in out-of-pocket spending if federal lawmakers expand parts of the program to include dental services, according to a report released last week.

The Urban Institute analysis—aided by funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation—examined the implications of expanding Medicare Part B, which covers medically necessary and preventive services, to include dental care. The proposed coverage would be subject to Part B deductibles and 20% cost-sharing, and it could lower out-of-pocket expenses by 80%, or $530 per person annually, the report found.

Katherine Hempstead, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation senior policy advisor, said the proposed expansion is “an opportunity to increase equity and close long-standing gaps in access to dental services.” Low-income older adults currently “bear the brunt” of Medicare’s lack of dental coverage, she added.


Thank You



U.S. INCOME: Falling

By Staff Reporters

For the third straight year, US incomes fell, according to new Census Bureau data. In 2022, the median household income fell to $74,580, adjusted for inflation. That’s a 2.3% decline from 2021’s median estimate of $76,330, according to the Census Bureau. And the latest figures mark a 4.7% drop from a 2019 peak of $78,250.

Meanwhile, earnings for both part-time and full-time workers fell 2.2% between 2021 and 2022. For full-time, year-round workers, median earnings dropped 1.3% in 2022.

One small bright spot: The Gini index, a measure of income inequality, modestly improved. The income gap between high- and low-income households decreased by 1.2% between 2021 and 2022, marking the first annual decrease since 2007.


In all, though, the latest Census data provides a snapshot of American households’ economic troubles, and the abundance of cash-strapped workers has created new challenges for CFOs.



Thank You



DAILY UPDATE: Planet Fitness and Instacart

By Staff Reporters



Stocks slouched into the weekend as investors wait to see what happens at next week’s Fed meeting. Planet Fitness dropped after its board’s surprise decision to oust the CEO, who had led the gym chain for more than a decade.


Instacart is planning to price its IPO shares higher since Arm’s IPO went so well. The grocery delivery company will make its market debut on Tuesday.



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