DAILY UPDATE: Sleep, Starbucks and Cell Phone Education



Essays, Opinions and Curated News in Health Economics, Investing, Business, Management and Financial Planning for Physician Entrepreneurs and their Savvy Advisors and Consultants

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Happy Cinco de Mayo 2024

Starbucks – The coffee company known for consistently outperforming itself reported less-than-spectacular earnings this week, sending its stock plunging 12% on Tuesday evening last week on the news—nearly as much as when the company shut all its doors during Covid 19. For the first time since 2020, US same-store sales declined, falling 3% alongside a 7% decrease in foot traffic. Meanwhile, revenue fell 1.8% to $8.56 billion as sales in China—the chain’s second-biggest market—declined 11%, and Starbucks lowered its sales outlook for the year.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Educators have long pushed back against distraction machines (aka phones), with 77% of schools banning them in the classroom as of 2020, according to a National Center for Education Statistics survey. School time still overlaps with screen time: 97% of students are on their phones during school hours, according to a study by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that informs parents about technology. While much of students’ phone use might be at lunch or recess, teachers complain that kids aren’t waiting for the bell to take a discreet peek at their screens.

CITE: https://tinyurl.com/2h47urt5

Creatine may counteract sleep deprivation. The dietary supplement all over your Instagram feed might one day help workers who have to do a lot on small amounts of sleep, like ER staff, first responders, and anyone sharing a house with a baby.

CITE: https://tinyurl.com/tj8smmes


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EDUCATIONAL TEXTBOOKS: https://tinyurl.com/4zdxuuwf


A Brief Historical Review of Behavioral Finance and Economics

By Related Influential Thought-Leaders

  • Dr. Brad Klontz CSAC CFP®
  • Dr. Ted Klontz PsyD
  • Dr. Eugene Schmuckler MBA MEd CTS
  • Dr. Kenneth Shubin-Stein FACP CFA
  • Dr. David Edward Marcinko MEd MBA CMP™




James O. Prochaska PhD, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Cancer Prevention Research Center at the University of Rhode Island, developed the Trans-Theoretic Model of Behavior Change [TTM] which has been evolving since in 1977. Nominated as one of the five most influential authors in Psychology, by the Institute for Scientific Information and the American Psychological Society, Dr. Prochaska is author of more than 300 papers on behavior change for health promotion and disease prevention.

TTM Stages of Change

In his Trans-Theoretical Model, behavior change is a “process involving progress through a series of these stages:

  • Pre-Contemplation (Not Ready) – “People are not intending to take action in the foreseeable future, and can be unaware that their behavior is problematic”
  • Contemplation (Getting Ready) – “People are beginning to recognize that their behavior is problematic, and start to look at the pros and cons of their continued actions”
  • Preparation (Ready) – “People are intending to take action in the immediate future, and may begin taking small steps toward behavior change”
  • Action – “People have made specific overt modifications in changing their problem behavior or in acquiring new healthy behaviors”
  • Maintenance – “People have been able to sustain action for a while and are working to prevent relapse”
  • Termination – “Individuals have zero temptation and they are sure they will not return to their old unhealthy habit as a way of coping”


In addition, researchers conceptualized “relapse” (recycling) which is not a stage in itself but rather the “return from Action or Maintenance to an earlier stage.” In medical care, these stages of behavior change have applicability to anti-hypertension and lipid lowering medication use, as well as depression prevention, weight control and smoking cessation.




Uniting Psychology and Financial Behavior

More recently, validating the emerging alliance between psychology (human behavior) and finance (economics) are two Americans who won the Royal Swedish Academy of Science’s 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. Their research was nothing short of an explanation for the idiosyncrasies incumbent in human financial decision-making outcomes.

Enter Kahneman and Smith

Daniel Kahneman, PhD, professor of psychology at Princeton University, and Vernon L. Smith, PhD, professor of economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., shared the prize for work that provided insight on everything from stock market bubbles, to regulating utilities, and countless other economic activities. In several cases, the winners tried to explain apparent financial paradoxes.

For example, Professor Kahneman made the economically puzzling discovery that most of his subjects would make a 20-minute trip to buy a calculator for $10 instead of $15, but would not make the same trip to buy a jacket for $120 instead of $125, saving the same $5.


in vitro and in-vivo Economics

Initially, in the 1960’s, Smith set out to demonstrate how economic theory worked in the laboratory (in vitro), while Kahneman was more interested in the ways economic theory mis-predicted people in real-life (in-vivo). He tested the limits of standard economic choice theory in predicting the actions of real people, and his work formalized laboratory techniques for studying economic decision making, with a focus on trading and bargaining.

Later, Smith and Kahneman together were among the first economists to make experimental data a cornerstone of academic output. Their studies included people playing games of cooperation and trust, and simulating different types of markets in a laboratory setting. Their theories assumed that individuals make decisions systematically, based on preferences and available information, in a way that changes little over time, or in different contexts.

University of Chicago

By the late 1970’s, Richard H. Thaler, PhD, an economist at the University of Chicago also began to perform behavioral experiments further suggesting irrational wrinkles in standard financial theory and behavior, enhancing the still embryonic but increasingly popular theories of Kahneman and Smith.


Other economists’ laboratory experiments used ideas about competitive interactions pioneered by game theorists like John Forbes Nash Jr., PhD, who shared the Nobel in 1994, as points of reference.


But, Kahneman and Smith often concentrated on cases where people’s actions departed from the systematic, rational strategies that Nash envisioned. Psychologically, this was all a precursor to the informal concept of life or holistic financial planning. Kahneman was awarded the Medal of Freedom, by President Barack Obama, on November 20, 2013.

READ: Behavioral Economics and Psychology DEM


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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com


Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners(TM)


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RIP: Daniel Kahneman PHD


By Staff Reporters

DEFINITION: According to Wikipedia, behavioral economics is the study of the psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural and social factors involved in the decisions of individuals or institutions, and how these decisions deviate from those implied by classical economic theory.

Behavioral economics is primarily concerned with the bounds of rationality of economic agents. Behavioral models typically integrate insights from psychology, neuroscience and microeconomic theory. The study of behavioral economics includes how market decisions are made and the mechanisms that drive public opinion.

Behavioral economics began as a distinct field of study in the 1970s and ’80s, but can be traced back to 18th-century economists, such as Adam Smith, who deliberated how the economic behavior of individuals could be influenced by their desires.

The status of behavioral economics as a subfield of economics is a fairly recent development; the breakthroughs that laid the foundation for it were published through the last three decades of the 20th century. Behavioral economics is still growing as a field, being used increasingly in research and in teaching.



Daniel Kahneman PhD, the father of behavioral economics, died yesterday at age 90 years old. He’s best known for applying psychology to economics and uncovering biases and mental shortcuts that make people act irrationally, as he chronicled in his best-selling book Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Kahneman, along with his long-time collaborator and friend Amos Tversky PhD, developed “prospect theory,” or loss-aversion theory, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002 (which he shared with fellow economist Vernon Smith). The idea is that people value losses and gains differently, so we feel more bad about losing $100 than we feel good about making the same amount. He applied this theory to investors, who had previously been considered rational decision-makers. It shows up elsewhere, too—for example, golfers putt better when they’re facing the loss of a stroke than when they might gain one.

Two other biases he identified include:

  • The “peak-end rule” that people remember an experience primarily based on how they felt at its most intense moment and the final part of it. It’s why you consider a whole vacation good if the last day was good—or the opposite.
  • The conjunction fallacy where people erroneously think the probability of two things being true is more likely than just one thing, which the famous “Linda the Bank Teller” problem illustrates.


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CAREER: Physician Coaching and Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


Disruptive Behavior and Bullies in Medicine

“Micro-Aggressors” in Healthcare

[By staff reporters] http://www.CertifiedMedicalPlanner.org

Every workplace has “micro-aggressors” or/or bullies that exhibit disruptive behavior.

But, when the workplace is a hospital, it’s not just an employee problem.


Microaggression is a term coined by psychiatrist and Harvard University  professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970 to describe insults and dismissals he said he had regularly witnessed non-black Americans inflict on African Americans.

In 1973, MIT economist Mary Rowe extended the term to include similar aggression directed at women; eventually, the term came to encompass the casual degradation of any socially marginalized group, such as the poor and the disabled.




Case Report

In one reported case, the worker, felt threatened: His superior came at him “with clenched fists, piercing eyes, beet-red face, popping veins, and screaming and swearing.” He thought he was about to be hit. Instead, his angry co-worker stormed out of the room.

But, it wasn’t just any room: It was in a hospital, adjacent to a surgical area. The screamer was a cardiac surgeon, and the threatened employee was a perfusionist, a person who operates a heart/lung machine during open heart surgery. In 2008, the Indiana Supreme Court ruling in Raess v. Doescherupheld a $325,000 settlement for the perfusionist, who said he was traumatized.

PHYSICIAN COACH: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.

Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com


   Risk Management, Liability Insurance, and Asset Protection Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™

 Harvard Medical School

Boston Children’s Hospital – Psychiatrist

Yale University

HEALTHCARE: Spending Grew in 2022

By Health Capital Consultants, LLC



On December 13, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its annual report on healthcare spending in the U.S., highlighting the growth in private insurance and Medicaid spending in 2022, which was offset by the declines in supplemental federal funding as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/082610254

This Health Capital Topics article reviews the notable healthcare spending findings in CMS’s report. (Read more…) 


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HOLIDAY: Tip Etiquette 2023?




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DAILY UPDATE: Mental Health and NASDAQ Technology Stocks

By Staff Reporters


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com


“We kept hearing nightmare stories about Americans not getting the treatment that they needed because insurance companies were denying them care. But we didn’t have enough data to show just how extensive and deep the problem was.”—

Bill Smith, founder of mental health advocacy coalition Inseparable, on patients with mental health diagnoses not receiving care (NPR)



The NASDAQ closed at an all-time high yesterday, breaking the record it set in November 2021, as technology stocks continued to rally on the news that the Fed may cut interest rates next year.

DocuSign shot up following reports that the $11 billion company whose tech lets you use your signature without a pen could be up for sale.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource


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RIP: Medical Debt!

By Staff Reporters



Casey McIntyre, a 38-year-old book publisher and mother of one, helped wipe out more than $30 million in unpaid medical bills for other people…without being alive to see it. McIntyre’s husband posted a message on her behalf after she died of ovarian cancer last week, asking people to participate in a “debt jubilee” that pays off the medical bills of others. The response has been overwhelming:

As of yesterday, the nonprofit RIP Medical Debt has received more than $300,000 in donations through McIntyre’s campaign. The organization relieves $10,000 of medical debt for every $100



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CAREER: Physician Coaching and Development in 2024


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


COACH: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/

CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


HEALTHCARE Innovation and Practice Management on the Move

By Staff Reporters


Online therapy company Talkspace will provide free virtual mental health services to more than 400,000 adolescents and teens in New York City after inking a deal with the city. The new program, dubbed TeenSpace, will connect teens to a licensed therapist through phone, video and text.



The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has announced funding awards of $80.5 million to support four new studies focused on disparities in maternal health. They will take into account clinical and social factors that contribute to inequities and will compare interventions in various settings.

And … Ayble Health, a digital health platform for patients with chronic gastrointestinal conditions, is working with the Mayo Clinic Complex Care Program to offer a hybrid care model that matches patients with the appropriate virtual and in-person care based on acuity and need.




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MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



PHYSICIANS ONLY: Career Coaching and Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business – Financial Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching



By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



CAREER: Executive Physician Coaching


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


CAREER: Physician Coaching and Executive Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


RUDE PATIENTS: To Laboring Physicians?

By Staff Reporters



A spike in rude behavior emerged as one of the pandemic’s many societal consequences and has not receded alongside the public health crisis. The uptick in poor behavior is likely driven by increased stress and isolation from society, The Atlantic’s Olga Khazan reported in 2022. In many cases, these stressors mean people are easily set off when encountering innocuous requests, Keith Humphreys, PhD, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University, told The Atlantic

The trend has hit healthcare hard. Hospitals and health systems nationwide have reported an uptick in disrespectful, discriminatory, or violent behaviors from patients since the pandemic. Nearly 24 percent of physicians reported experiencing workplace mistreatment in 2020, including verbal mistreatment or abuse, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open. 

Source: Mackenzie Bean, Becker’s Hospital Review

MORE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2023/08/07/medical-workplace-violence-prevention-guidelines/



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D.E. MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At D.E. Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

D.E. Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.



Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



CAREER: Physician Coaching and Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



D.E. MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At D.E. Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

D.E. Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



D.E. MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At D.E. Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

D.E. Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



ChatGPT: Accuracy in Clinical Medical Decision Making?


By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA FACFAS CMP



Putting ChatGPT to the test to see if AI can work through an entire clinical encounter with a patient – recommending a diagnostic workup, deciding a course of action and making a final diagnosis – Mass General Brigham researchers have found the large language model to have “impressive accuracy” despite limitations, including possible hallucinations

Colleague Bertalan Meskó, MD PhD, The Medical Futurist, sent me the following fascinating report.


A recent study revealing ChatGPT’s high scoring in clinical decision accuracy has made waves. While the results are certainly promising, it’s crucial to keep in mind that these tests capture only a fraction of the myriad skills and knowledge required to treat patients – and we need to interpret the implications accordingly.




Thank You



RUDE PATIENTS: To Laboring Physicians?

By Staff Reporters



A spike in rude behavior emerged as one of the pandemic’s many societal consequences and has not receded alongside the public health crisis. The uptick in poor behavior is likely driven by increased stress and isolation from society, The Atlantic’s Olga Khazan reported in 2022. In many cases, these stressors mean people are easily set off when encountering innocuous requests, Keith Humphreys, PhD, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University, told The Atlantic

The trend has hit healthcare hard. Hospitals and health systems nationwide have reported an uptick in disrespectful, discriminatory, or violent behaviors from patients since the pandemic. Nearly 24 percent of physicians reported experiencing workplace mistreatment in 2020, including verbal mistreatment or abuse, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open. 

Source: Mackenzie Bean, Becker’s Hospital Review

MORE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2023/08/07/medical-workplace-violence-prevention-guidelines/



Thank You


MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



CAREER: Physician Coaching and Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


NEW YORK STATE: Got Health Insurance?

By Staff Reporters

SPONSOR: http://www.CertifiedMedicalPlanner.org



Just 5% of New Yorkers lacked health insurance in 2021, but the state may struggle to maintain that low rate (it’s currently among the top 10 in the US) following the end of a pandemic-era policy that prevented anyone from being kicked off Medicaid.

A new report from New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli analyzed health insurance trends in the state, and found the percentage of uninsured New Yorkers fell each year from 11.9% in 2010—when the Affordable Care Act (which allowed states to extend Medicaid eligibility) became law—to 5.2% in 2021.

Nationally, 8.6% of people lacked health insurance in 2021, according to the analysis. (Though Department of Health and Human Services data released earlier this month found the US uninsured rate hit a record low of 7.7% during the first three months of 2023.)


Thank You




MARCINKO & Associates, Inc.


Hard Business Advice AND Personal Lifestyle Coaching


By Ann Miller RN MHA CMP™

At Marcinko & Associates our clients traditionally include physicians [MD, MBBS and DO], dentists [DDS and DMD], podiatrists [DPM], Registered Nurses [RNs], Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists [CRNA], Physician Assistants [PA] and Nurse Practitioners [NP]. A growing cohort of clients include medical technologists, physical, speech and occupational therapists, etc.

The above are naturally segregated into three career tranches: 1. New practitioners, 2] Mid-Career practitioners and 3] Mature practitioners. We serve them all and are fully prepared for any special needs situation that may arise in any tranche [death, divorce, adverse risk event and/or bankruptcy, etc].

Marcinko & Associates understands the complexity of financial and non-financial deal terms because we are also doctors. Our “hard” knowledge of your business comes from being actual healthcare facility owners, operators and medical practitioners [with additional professional licenses and expertise] enabling us to effectively analyze your business, take corrective measures and present your healthcare entity in the best possible and accurate light.


But, if you’re looking at this website, chances are you are fed up, burned out, seeking practice management techniques or a better work-life balance. Or, you are looking for a new non-clinical career, thinking of finance, investing, retirement, or all of the above. Perhaps you are just looking to regain the joy and meaning in your medical or professional career? This is known as “soft” psychology, coaching, personal consulting or fraternal advice.


Regardless, of your “soft” personal or “hard” corporate needs, our transparent Fees for Service [FFS] model is moderated for all colleagues based on the acuity and urgency of their engagements. Reduced rates and/or limited charity work may also be possible.




Suite #5901 Wilbanks Drive

Norcross, Georgia USA 30092-1141

email: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com



CAREER: Physician Coaching and Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


CAREER: Physician Coaching and Development


SPONSOR: http://www.MarcinkoAssociates.com



Did you Know?

Experts estimate that it can cost more than $1 million to recruit and train a replacement for a doctor who leaves the profession because of burnout. But, as no broad calculation of burnout costs exists, Dr. Tait Shanafelt [Mayo Clinic researcher and Stanford Medicine’s first Chief Physician Wellness Officer] said Stanford, Harvard Business School, Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (AMA) are further cost estimating the issue. Nevertheless, Shanafelt and other researchers have shown that burnout erodes job performance, increases medical errors, and leads doctors to leave a profession they once loved.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource

Fortunately, we can help. From formal coaching to second career opinions, mentoring and advising, we can help with our remediation executive career programs. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential and informed career coach and sounding board on your side.

CITE: JAMA Internal Medicine [Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-Being and Distress of Physicians].

NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6686971/


CONTACT US: https://marcinkoassociates.com/process-what-we-do/


NIH: Jeanne Marrazzo MD Succeeds Dr. Anthony Fauci as Infectious Disease Chief

By Staff Reporters



Jeanne M. Marrazzo MD, a University of Alabama at Birmingham infectious-disease expert, will succeed Anthony S. Fauci this fall as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, federal officials announced yesterday.

The $6.3 billion research institute is among the largest of the 27 institutes and centers that constitute the National Institutes of Health, America’s flagship biomedical agency. NIAID is also particularly prominent given its involvement in the response to the coronavirus pandemic and other diseases; it has also received attention because of Dr. Tony Fauci’s own high profile and Republicans’ ongoing efforts to investigate the institute’s workings.

Marrazzo, an infectious-disease physician and epidemiologist who has been a principal investigator on NIH grants since 1997, has focused her research on the human microbiome and the prevention of HIV and infections in the female reproductive tract. She emerged as a frequent commentator during the pandemic, appearing on national television and urging Americans to get vaccinated and take other steps to protect themselves from the virus.

An openly gay physician, Marrazzo has studied barriers to care for LGBTQ patients and advocated to address them.



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MENTAL HEALTH: The Parity and Addiction Equity Act?

By Staff Reporters



President Joe Biden’s administration just announced new rules meant to push insurance companies to increase their coverage of mental health treatments.

DR KENT: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2023/05/26/dr-kent-may-is-mental-health-month-2/

The new regulations, which still need to go through a public comment period, would require insurers to study whether their customers have equal access to medical and mental health benefits and to take remedial action, if necessary.

MORE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2023/06/23/june-mens-mental-health-month/

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act requires that insurers provide the same level of coverage for both mental and physical health care — though the administration and advocates argue insurers’ policies restrict patient access.

ACT: https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/Other-Insurance-Protections/mhpaea_factsheet


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ChatGPT’s Decline, the FTC and Microsoft

By Staff Reporters



ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022. It is notable for enabling users to refine and steer a conversation towards a desired length, format, style, level of detail, and language used. Successive prompts and replies are taken into account at each stage of the conversation as a context.

However, the accuracy of OpenAI’s generative language model appears to have declined much this Spring.

LINK: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt

A not-yet-peer-reviewed study by Stanford and Berkeley researchers of ChatGPT-4 and ChatGPT-3.5 found a huge difference in the chatbot’s answers between March and June of this year—often for the worse, something people were already reporting anecdotally online.

  • GPT-4 went from 97.6% accuracy in identifying prime numbers a few months ago to only…2.4% in June.
  • The newer version of the language model got better at fending off problematic prompts, like coming up with illegal money-making schemes. But rather than explaining why queries are troublesome, it’s now more likely to simply say something like, “Sorry, but I can’t assist with that.”
  • When asked to create computer code, GPT-4 generated functional work 52% of the time in March and only 10% of the time in June. The lines of code it provided weren’t wrong, but they started to be accompanied by non-usable text, which could create headaches for companies trying to integrate ChatGPT into programming workflows.


Additionally, the FTC is looking into ChatGPT. The commission seeks to understand whether OpenAI has broken any consumer protection laws. OpenAI received a 20-page demand letter highlighting the commission’s concerns over its data security practices. Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard is likely to be affected if OpenAI is found in the wrong.



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JUNE: Men’s Mental Health Month

By Staff Reporters



Mental Health America is proud to recognize June as Men’s Health Month. So, if you think you or a loved-one may be experiencing signs of a mental illness, visit www.mhascreening.org to take a free, quick and confidential screen for depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, PTSD, and/or Alcohol or Substance Use problems.  

DR KENT: https://healthcarefinancials.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=317916&action=edit



Put a doctor in your pocket (and skip the waiting room)

Caraway is an app that delivers mental, physical, and reproductive health services tailored to 18- to 29-year-olds. Start therapy, fill prescriptions, answer immediate health concerns, and more—anytime, anywhere, 24/7. Lock in limited-time pricing of $20/month or $180/year (your first 30 days are free!)



Sign-Up for More ME-P



FLORENCE 2.0: A.I. Advice for a A Healthier Lifestyle And Mental Health


By Staff Reporters



By 2030, the WHO projects that 15 million healthcare workers will be missing globally. 

Introducing Florence, the “world’s most extensive freely accessible AI health worker” is one way of tackling this issue. 

Florence is knowledgeable in key health topics, including mental health, nutrition and tobacco cessation, and provides information on COVID-19 vaccines. So, have a chat with her.

READ MORE: https://www.who.int/news/item/04-10-2022-who-and-partners-launch-world-s-most-extensive-freely-accessible-ai-health-worker?mc_cid=16b214db2e&mc_eid=40fee31c25


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BRAIN AWARENESS MONTH: I’m Supporting “Adaptive Miami Beach Days” in June and Beyond






As a doctor and attorney, it is only logical for me to be the medical guardian for my adult learning and physically challenged cousin. So, I am here in Miami, Florida nearly every month for his physician appointments as well as social service visits. But, we also make sure we attend exciting and fun activities, as well!

In fact, last weekend was no exception as we went to the Sabrina Cohen Foundation for their Adaptive Beach Days event during Brain Awareness Month every June.



The Cohen Foundation provides adaptive services for physically impaired people to participate in water activities, particularly in the ocean and beach activities. Miss Cohen was injured 19 years ago in a terrible accident and had a spinal cord injury. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she created a foundation where she helps others enjoy life and activities outdoors. She received a 2 1/2 million dollar grant from the city of Miami and has a permanent site on the Beach in Miami. And, she provides services and activities for many people and is trying to take her foundation nationwide.

LEARN MORE: http://www.sabrinacohenfoundation.org


ME-P NOTE: The Illinois’s 11th Congressional District is in the state of Illinois. It includes parts of Cook, DuPage, Kendall, Kane and Will counties, as well some suburbs of Chicago and rural areas. So, please drop us a line and consider learning about and supporting Dr. Kent, regardless of your congressional district, affiliation and/or U.S. state. He is a political centrist and surely a rising new national star.


VISIT: http://www.ElectDrKent.com

DONATE: https://tinyurl.com/yckrppn8


Pediatric Mental Health Month is Also in May



Even though timely follow-up care for self-harm or mental illness has been shown to prevent hospitalizations, reduce the chances of a repeat visit, and improve overall outcomes, less than a third of children receive follow-up care within seven days of their ED visit, and just over half (56%) receive care within a month, according to a recent study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

More than a quarter of the children in the study returned to the ED within six months.

RELATED: The second-largest psychiatric facility in Washington State is looking to hire more employees after threats that it could lose its accreditation.


Thank You



SOCIAL MEDIA: Dr. Vivek Murthy Warns on Children’s Mental Health


By Staff Reporters



May is mental health month in the USA. US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy issued a powerful public advisory yesterday warning of the considerable risks that social media poses to young people’s mental health. “Nearly every teenager in America uses social media, and yet we do not have enough evidence to conclude that it is sufficiently safe for them,” Murthy wrote. He argued that kids have “become unknowing participants in a decades-long experiment.”

The surgeon general’s report focuses on the impacts of social media on teens and kids—both positive and negative—and the attendant health risks. The report outlines two types of dangers associated with social networks: content-related problems, such as negative self-image or bullying, and use-related problems, such as poor sleep and addiction.

What we know about social media and kids’ mental health

By all accounts, America’s youth are currently experiencing a mental health crisis.

  • The number of teens and young adults with clinical depression doubled between 2011 and 2021, according to San Diego State University psychology professor Dr. Jean Twenge.
  • In 2021, the CDC found that nearly 25% of teenage girls had made a suicide plan.

Many experts have pointed to social media as a potential cause since the deterioration of kids’ mental health has coincided with the rise of social media platforms over the last decade.

Still, the effect of likes, retweets, and TikTok comments on kids’ brains remains more or less a mystery. We know that social media use affects adolescents and that teens show alarming rates of anxiety and depression. But studies that have attempted to determine whether social media is a direct cause of worsening mental health have been inconclusive. Plus, not all kids are impacted by social media similarly: Some—adolescent girls, for instance—appear to be more at risk than others.

Finally, and according to Morning Brew, while researchers search for answers, some lawmakers are pushing ahead with restrictions on teens’ use of social media. In March, for example, Utah became the first state to establish a curfew for teens on social media apps and mandate that parents have access to their children’s accounts.


Thank You



RIGHTS: Mental Health in America [Georgia]


By Staff Reporters




Atlanta, GA – Governor Brian P. Kemp, joined by First Lady Marty Kemp and their three daughters, Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, Speaker David Ralston, members of the House and Senate, and mental health advocates, to sign the Mental Health Parity Act (HB1013) into law.

You may view his remarks from the bill signing ceremony below, and you can watch the full ceremony here.


Mental Health Rights

People living with mental health conditions are people. They have people they love, activities they enjoy, and dreams for their lives. As people, they deserve to be treated with dignity, and under the law they have rights and protections. 

GA MENTAL HEALTH PARITY LAW: https://gov.georgia.gov/press-releases/2022-04-04/gov-kemp-provides-remarks-and-signs-mental-health-parity-act

Unfortunately, it has long been the case that individuals with mental health conditions are among the most abused and discriminated against in our country. From leaving people to languish in overcrowded state hospitals to lobotomies and forced sterilization, the treatment of those with mental health conditions is a dark stain on our history as a nation.

While we have come a long way, abuse and discrimination continue to be serious problems today. The shackling or restraining of children, keeping people out of work, and denying access to services are just a few examples of the way we continue to fail the 1 in 5 Americans that has a diagnosable mental health disorder.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/082610254

This is not just a small issue for a small group of people: half of all Americans will experience a diagnosable mental health condition in their lifetime. If it is not us being directly impacted, it is likely that it will be our family members, friends, or loved ones– whether we know it or not. Beyond struggles in education or employment, we see the loss of human dignity and even human life for the people we love and care about when we do not work to address abuses in the system.

For Mental Health America, the fight against abuse and discrimination is essential to our history and continues to guide our work. MHA’s symbol, which sits in our national office, is the Bell of Hope cast from the chains and shackles that were used to restrain individuals in old state hospitals. As an organization, MHA is committed to the principles of human and civil rights inherent to the concept of equal justice under the law.

PROVIDERS: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2022/10/05/a-review-of-mental-healthcare-provider-types/



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ORDER: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Insurance-Managed-Care/dp/0826149944/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275315485&sr=1-4


PODCAST: Behavior Modification and the Science of Change in Healthcare

By Eric Bricker MD



CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/0826102549


ORDER: https://www.routledge.com/Risk-Management-Liability-Insurance-and-Asset-Protection-Strategies-for/Marcinko-Hetico/p/book/9781498725989



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META: “Needs to Get its Mojo Back”

By Staff Reporters



Quote: “Meta needs to get its mojo back.”

With Meta’s share price down more than 60% this year, investors are losing patience with Mark Zuckerberg’s big bet on the metaverse.

Altimeter Capital CEO Brad Gerstner, whose firm has more than 2 million shares in the company, wrote an open letter yesterday urging Meta to cut headcount expenses by 20% and keep metaverse spending under $5 billion per year to become a “more productive, and more focused company.”

We’ll see how Meta feels about its own mojo when it reports earnings tomorrow.



Thank You


ORDER: https://www.routledge.com/Comprehensive-Financial-Planning-Strategies-for-Doctors-and-Advisors-Best/Marcinko-Hetico/p/book/9781482240283



ORDER: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Information-Technology-Security/dp/0826149952/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254413315&sr=1-5

What is the VIP [Patient] Syndrome


By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA




DEFINITION: “VIP syndrome” is a term coined in 1964 by the psychiatrist Walter Weintraub to describe an intriguing paradox: Throughout history, the rich and famous, with all their resources and fancy doctors, have often received worse medical treatment, and suffered from worse health outcomes, than the average person. When physicians afford “special privileges” to their powerful patients, from “Mad King” George III to Michael Jackson, they seem to get sicker and even die. While Weintraub, a psychoanalyst, attributed the problem in part to doctors unconsciously resenting their influential patients, it seems doctors simply get starstruck around famous people and high-ranking figures. Despite their medical expertise, these physicians find themselves opting out of basic tests for “privacy” or prescribing dangerous medications for “comfort.”

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/0826102549

RELATED: https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692(16)37268-3/fulltext

MORE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/an-easy-treatment-promised-me-a-sharper-jawline%e2%80%94except-for-one-little-catch/ar-AAVpHz9?li=BBnb7Kz\

DKE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2018/09/14/what-is-the-dunning-kruger-effect/?preview_id=188020&preview_nonce=b5c7f4a5de&preview=true

INVITATION: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/dr-david-marcinkos-bookings/




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BUSINESS MEDICINE: https://www.amazon.com/Business-Medical-Practice-Transformational-Doctors/dp/0826105750/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1448163039&sr=8-9&keywords=david+marcinko



HIT: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Information-Technology-Security/dp/0826149952/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254413315&sr=1-5


A Review of Mental Healthcare Provider Types

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Implications for Staffing Modern Mental Health Facilities

[By Carol Miller RN MBA]

Carol S. MillerCommunity Mental Health Centers are also referred to as County Mental Health Centers and treat patients usually with no or limited insurance in a domiciliary setting versus an inpatient state or community facility.

And, both children and adults are eligible to receive such assistance.

These programs provide a wide range of psychiatric and counseling services to the residents in their community as well
as other types of assistance. But, what type of mental healthcare staff, and providers, are involved with these facilities?


Staffing levels at community mental health facilities depend on the size and funding of each clinic, and vary in number, qualifications, and mix. Many personnel hold or are working on Master’s degrees and various professional certifications.

Typical staffing would include:

  • Administrative or Mental Health Director ¾ This individual, working under general policy directives, is responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, and directing delivery of a community’s comprehensive mental health programs and services. This would include the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies, procedures, budget, standard compliance, and work standards for mental health services. The Director is responsible not only for the services offered under the program, but also for extensive coordination with other county departments, public and private organizations, citizen groups, and the Board of Supervisors.
  • Case management staff ¾ These personnel are responsible for compiling all the services related to the treatment program.
  • Psychiatrists ¾ These individuals may work for a mental health center full or part time, and be Board-eligible or Board-certified in Psychiatry.
  • Psychologists ¾ These individuals will hold Ph.D., Psy.D. or Ed.D. qualifications and be licensed as clinical psychologists in the state.
  • Licensed Independent Social Worker (LISW) ¾ These individuals will have expertise in such services as family counseling, child psychology, geriatric dementia, psychological testing, and so on.
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) — These individuals are specialized in various fields and provide an array of counseling services to patients, dependent on the nature of their problem.
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists ¾ These personnel are certified in psychiatric nursing by a national nursing organization such as the American Nurses Association to practice within the scope of these services and are licensed in the state.
  • Support staff ¾ These staff members would include an administrative assistant to the Director, medical billers, transcriptionist, and possibly a receptionist.
  • Substance Abuse Counselor or Licensed Professional Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LPC or LPCC) — An individual who takes a holistic approach where they exam a person’s external environmental and societal influences while also monitoring inner emotion, physical and behavioral health.


ME-P Careers


Counselor Qualifications

A licensed mental health counselor has met or exceeded the following professional qualifications:

  • earned a Master’s degree in counseling or a closely related mental health discipline;
  • completed a minimum of two years post-Master’s clinical work under the supervision of a licensed or certified mental health professional; and
  • passed a state-developed or national licensure or certification examination.



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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com


Product Details

Medicare Customers Say Mental Health Benefits Are Very Important

By Staff Reporters



A eHealth survey of 3,800 Medicare customers aged 65 and older asked “When choosing health coverage, how important are mental health benefits?” The survey found: 
•  38% say mental health benefits are “very important” to them when choosing health insurance.
 •  34% say it’s “somewhat important” to them.
 •  22% say mental health benefits are “not so important” to them.
 •  Only 5% say it’s “not at all important.”
Source: eHealth, “Seniors Speak Out On Mental Health,” March 2022



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MANAGED CARE: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Insurance-Managed-Care/dp/0826149944/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275315485&sr=1-4


Text or Call 988: SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

By Staff Reporters


988, a New National Suicide Hotline, Launched on July 16th, 2022



A new national suicide hotline, 988, becomes operational nationwide on July 16th. People experiencing a mental health emergency, such as suicidal thoughts, a substance-use crisis, or any other emotionally distressing event, will be able to call during times of crisis, but operators will also be available via text and online chat (at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat), according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The 988 hotline will essentially replace the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK); however, the previous hotline will not be discontinued when 988 is rolled out, and callers will be directed to the same services offered via 988. Mental health experts say the new hotline will provide necessary updates to the services currently provided by the 1-800 number, chief among them a focus on sending trained experts to respond to mental health emergencies rather than law enforcement who are unfamiliar with protocols when approaching suicidal individuals.


READ: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/988

MORE: https://www.kevinmd.com/2022/07/new-988-hotline-has-potential-to-transform-mental-health-care-but-challenges-loom.html



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Percent of Population Under 65 With Mental Health Disorders

By Staff Reporters



EBRI: % of Population Under 65 With Mental Health Disorders

 •  Anxiety disorders: 8.1%
 •  Major depressive disorders: 5.3%
 •  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: 2.8%
 •  Other behavioral/mental health disorders: 2.2%
 •  Bipolar and manic disorders: 0.7%
 •  Post-traumatic stress disorder: 0.5%
 •  Phobic anxiety disorders: 0.4%
 •  Autistic disorder: 0.3%
 •  Obsessive-compulsive disorder: 0.2%
 •  Eating disorders: 0.2%
 •  Schizophrenic disorders: 0.1%
 •  Dissociative disorders: 0.04%
 •  Delusional disorders: 0.02%

Source: EBRI, “How Do High-Deductible Health Plans Affect Use of Health Care Services and Spending Among Enrollees With Mental Health Disorders?” March 10, 2022



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FINANCE: https://www.amazon.com/Comprehensive-Financial-Planning-Strategies-Advisors/dp/1482240289/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418580820&sr=8-1&keywords=david+marcinko


DICTIONARY: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Insurance-Managed-Care/dp/0826149944/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275315485&sr=1-4
