By Staff Reporters

Today is National Coffee Day

To celebrate, enjoy a free coffee from a breakfast chain, and while you wait for it to cool, reflect on the fact that the cup of coffee in your hand is one of about 3 billion being consumed around the world just today—a number that has nearly doubled over the past three decades and is expected to double again by 2050, per the Financial Times.

BTW: Over the next two years, Starbucks is on pace to open a new store in China every nine hours.

NOTE: Key differences between a latte and coffee include:

  • Brew method: Lattes are made with an espresso base, while coffee is brewed with hot water.
  • Taste: Lattes are sweeter and creamier than coffee.
  • Caffeine: Lattes are less caffeinated than coffee.
  • Calories: Coffee is lower in calories than a latte.
  • Price: Lattes are typically more expensive than coffee due to the espresso base and the addition of milk.


Today is World Heart Day

Today is also World Heart Day, a reminder for patients to not miss a (heart) beat and check in on their cardiovascular health. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and not smoking can help lower your risk for heart disease, the CDC found.



The “New” Dental Support Organization Business Model

By Maia Anderson and Staff Reporters


Watch out, private practice ownership. According to HealthcareBrew, Dental Support Organizations (DSOs) are the hot new business model for dentistry.



DSOs are companies that take on all the business-related tasks necessary to run a dental practice, like IT support, accounting and billing, marketing, and facility maintenance, Lisa Ward, VP of communications at industry trade group the Association of Dental Support Organizations, told Healthcare Brew.

A DSO can own the dental practice it operates, or a private practice can contract with a DSO. Some DSOs are owned by a group of dentists, but private equity firms own many large DSOs, according to the Academy of General Dentistry.

The idea behind a DSO is that the “dentist can focus on patient care and not have to worry so much about the business side,” Ward said.

The DSO business model was created in 1975 but didn’t become popular until the 1990s, as dentists graduated with piles of student debt and found it hard to open their own practice, according to Huron Consulting Group.

Today, 10.3% of dentists are affiliated with a DSO, per investment banker Harris Williams. In 2020, 30% of dental school seniors said they planned to join a DSO-affiliated practice, compared to 12% in 2015, a survey from the American Dental Education Association found.

The rise in popularity of DSOs has brought about the decline of private practice ownership. In 2021, the number of dentists who owned their practices fell to 73%, according to research from the ADA.

Maia at







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MDs RETIRING: 23,000 Physicians Will Retire by 2026

By Staff Reporters




Thousands of doctors are expected to reach retirement age in the next three years, and their replacements won’t be physicians.


Instead, physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) will increasingly provide primary care services, according to a report from consulting firm Mercer.





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Become a Board CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™ and Thrive

Think Different – Be Different  – Thrive

[By Ann Miller RN MHA]

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Dear Physician Focused Financial Advisors

Did you know that desperate doctors of all ages are turning to knowledgeable financial advisors and medical management consultants for help? Symbiotically too, generalist advisors are finding that the mutual need for knowledge and extreme niche synergy is obvious.




But, there was no established curriculum or educational program; no corpus of knowledge or codifying terms-of-art; no academic gravitas or fiduciary accountability; and certainly no identifying professional designation that demonstrated integrated subject matter expertise for the increasingly unique healthcare focused financial advisory niche … Until Now! 


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Enter the CMPs

“The informed voice of a new generation of fiduciary advisors for healthcare”

Think Different

 [Think Different – Be Different – Thrive]


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So, if you are looking to supplement your knowledge, income and designations; and find other qualified professionals you may want to consider the CMP® program.

Enter the Certified Medical Planner™ charter professional designation. And, CMPs™ are FIDUCIARIES, 24/7.

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