Become a Board CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™ and Thrive

Think Different – Be Different  – Thrive

[By Ann Miller RN MHA]

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Dear Physician Focused Financial Advisors

Did you know that desperate doctors of all ages are turning to knowledgeable financial advisors and medical management consultants for help? Symbiotically too, generalist advisors are finding that the mutual need for knowledge and extreme niche synergy is obvious.




But, there was no established curriculum or educational program; no corpus of knowledge or codifying terms-of-art; no academic gravitas or fiduciary accountability; and certainly no identifying professional designation that demonstrated integrated subject matter expertise for the increasingly unique healthcare focused financial advisory niche … Until Now! 


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Enter the CMPs

“The informed voice of a new generation of fiduciary advisors for healthcare”

Think Different

 [Think Different – Be Different – Thrive]


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So, if you are looking to supplement your knowledge, income and designations; and find other qualified professionals you may want to consider the CMP® program.

Enter the Certified Medical Planner™ charter professional designation. And, CMPs™ are FIDUCIARIES, 24/7.

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Become a CMP


Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


 Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners(TM)* 8

CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™: Helping Physicians Financially Thrive to Avoid the “Doctor Effect”

By Dr. David Edward Marcinko, MBA CMP

CEO: D.E. Marcinko & Associates, Inc.




Several years ago a group of highly trusted and deeply experienced financial services professionals and estate planners noted that far too many of their mature physician clients, using traditional stock brokers, management consultants and financial advisors, seemed to be less successful than those who went it alone. These Do-it-Yourselfers [DIYs] had setbacks and made mistakes, for sure. But, the ME Inc doctors seemed to learn from their mistakes and did not incur the high management and service fees demanded from general or retail one-size-fits-all “advisors.”

In fact, an informal inverse relationship was noted, and dubbed the “Doctor Effect.” In others words, the more consultants an individual doctor retained; the less well they did in all disciplines of the financial planning and medical practice management, continuum.

Of course, the reason for this discrepancy eluded many of them as Wall Street brokerages and wire-houses flooded the media with messages, infomercials, print, radio, TV, texts, tweets, and internet ads to the contrary. Rather than self-learn the basics, the prevailing sentiment seemed to purse the holy grail of finding the “perfect financial advisor.” This realization was a confirmation of the industry culture which seemed to be: Bread for the advisor – Crumbs for the client!

And so, at D.E. Marcinko & Associates, our informed cadre’ of technology focused and highly educated doctors, nurses, financial advisors, attorneys, accountants, psychologists and educational visionaries decided there must be a better way for healthcare colleagues to receive financial planning advice, products and related management services within a culture of fiduciary responsibility.

We trust you agree with this ME Inc, and Certified Medical Planner™ consulting philosophy, as illustrated  on our website.



