PODCAST: “Real ACOs Haven’t Been Tried Yet!”

What is an Accountable Care Organization?

DEFINITION: ACOs are groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers, who come together voluntarily to give coordinated high-quality care to their patients. The goal of coordinated care is to ensure that patients get the right care at the right time, while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors. When an ACO succeeds both in delivering high-quality care and spending health care dollars more wisely, the ACO will share in the savings.

Citation: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/0826102549


QUESTION: What happens when you’re a healthcare policy wonk and the pilot study for your pet program has failed miserably? 

ANSWER: You declare “Success!” in the editorial pages of the New England Journal of Medicine and demand that the program become nationwide and mandatory. I kid you not.  This is exactly what happens.

Thankfully, Anish Koka is vigilant and explains the blatant obfuscations and manipulations that the central planners engage in to have their way.


And so, In this video, Anish and colleague Michel Accad, MD, will reveal the machinations, take the culprits to task, and discuss pertinent questions regarding health care organization: 

  • Does “capitation” reduce costs? 
  • Do employed physicians necessarily utilize fewer resources? 
  • What happens when a HMO and a traditional fee-for-service health system operate side-by-side in a community?
BMC and Accountable Care - Boston Medical Center


PODCAST: http://alertandoriented.com/real-acos-havent-been-tried-yet/

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What is a Hospital CHARGE MASTER?


By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA MEd CMP


According to George Washington University, a hospital chargemaster is a comprehensive list of a hospital’s products, procedures, and services. Everything from prescription drugs to supplies for diagnostic tests has a unique price listing in the chargemaster, making it a go-to document for hospital administrators such as CFOs, clinical documentation improvement specialists, and revenue directors.

Chargemaster usage dates back to the mid-20th century. At that time, fee-for-service (FFS) health insurance plans, which allow patients to direct their medical care by choosing physicians and facilities and paying a portion of the billed total, had just emerged in the U.S. healthcare system.

The chargemaster originally served as something akin to an FFS dictionary, with an entry for virtually anything billable under that economic model of healthcare.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/082610254



Over time, FFS itself has evolved and been challenged by alternatives like value-based care (VBC). Chargemasters built for FFS have changed accordingly, and they remain fixtures of the modern hospital revenue cycle. A standard chargemaster is a large electronic file containing multiple elements for each entry. These attributes usually include:

  • The charge for a single unit of the service in question
  • A Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code; CPT is the official medical code set of the American Medical Association
  • Potentially, a Healthcare Common Practice Coding System (HCPCS) code; HCPCS is based on CPT
  • Alternative CPT and HCPCS codes if needed, e.g. one corresponding only to specific payers
  • A revenue code associated with the charge
  • Flag(s) indicating if the entry is scheduled for deletion, active or inactive
  • An internal reference number within the ledger for accounting purposes

LINK: https://revcycleintelligence.com/features/the-role-of-the-hospital-chargemaster-in-revenue-cycle-management

MORE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2013/09/26/some-modern-issues-impacting-hospital-revenue-cycles/

RCC: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2013/03/06/a-better-approach-to-hospital-cost-estimation/




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FINANCE: https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Management-Strategies-Healthcare-Organizations/dp/1466558733/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1380743521&sr=8-3&keywords=david+marcinko

BUSINESS: https://www.amazon.com/Business-Medical-Practice-Transformational-Doctors/dp/0826105750/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1448163039&sr=8-9&keywords=david+marcinko

HEALTH INSURANCE: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Insurance-Managed-Care/dp/0826149944/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275315485&sr=1-4



PODCAST: FFS MedicalPayment As a Public Health Threat?


By Eric Bricker MD



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PODCAST: Hospital Executives Confess Fee-For-Service Care Drives Costs

By Eric Bricker MD

1) Fee-for-Services Motivates Hospitals to Increase Costs.
2) Medicare and Commercial Insurance Companies Have Not Changed That Motivation with ‘Value-Based’ Payments.
3) Hospital Prices Have NO Connection to the Underlying Cost of a Test or Procedure.
4) Most Don’t Even Know What the Underlying Test or Procedure Cost Is in the First Place.




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HOSPITALS: https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Management-Strategies-Healthcare-Organizations/dp/1466558733/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1380743521&sr=8-3&keywords=david+marcinko


PODCAST: Medicare Provider Payment Changes

By Eric Bricker MD

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Announce Changes to Doctor and Healthcare Provider Payments

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/082610254



PODCAST Related Medical Payments: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2021/10/01/podcast-on-medicare-payments-to-doctors/



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PODCAST: Low-Value Healthcare Remains Even Without Fee-for-Service Incentives



MORE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2021/05/27/activity-based-medical-cost-accounting-and-management/


PODCAST: Health Plan Innovation


By Dr. Eric Bricker MD



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PODCAST: Employee Health Plan MISALIGNMENT with Fee-for-Service Medicine

Current Partners Not Aligned With PLAN Goals

Dr. Boram (Kim) Park, MD - Dallas, TX | Internal Medicine


Employee Health Plans Have Have a MISALIGNMENT Problem with the Current Fee-for-Service Healthcare System…i.e. Their Current Partners Are Not Aligned With Their Goals


Health Insurance Carriers Are Misaligned by Owning PBMs That Make More Money in Rebate Kick-Backs When the Employee Health Plan Spends More Money on Expensive Prescription Drugs.

Doctors Are Misaligned When They *Are Employed by Hospitals That Tie Test and Procedure Ordering Volume to Doctor Compensation.

Hospitals are Misaligned When They Buy Physician Practices and Raise the Prices for In-Office Testing and Procedures by 300%… Even Though NOTHING Has Changed Other Than the Sign on the Door.

Accordingly, True Employee Health Plan Innovation is ALIGNMENT Innovation That Provides Care Outside the of the Status Quo Fee-for-Service System.

Onsite Clinics, Near Site Clinics, Direct Primary Care and Capitated Virtual Care All Provide Real Alignment Innovation for Employee Health Plans.

ASSESSMENT: Your comments are appreciated.

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/0826102549



CEO ADMITS: Payments in Value-Based Contracts Were Actually Fee-For-Service Based

Fee-For-Service Physician Reimbursement Not to be Replaced Anytime Soon!


Image result for eric brixcker

By Eric Bricker MD


Definition: Value-Based Care (VBC) is a health care delivery model under which providers — hospitals, labs, doctors, nurses and others — are paid based on the health outcomes of their patients and the quality of services rendered. Under some value-based contracts, providers share in financial risk with health insurance companies. In addition to negotiated payments, they can earn incentives for providing high-quality, efficient care.

VBC differs from the traditional fee-for-service model where providers are paid separately for each medical service. While quality care can be provided under both models, it’s the difference in how providers are paid, paired with the way patient care is managed, that provides the opportunity for health improvements and savings in a VBC environment.

DICTIONARY CITATION: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Insurance-Managed-Care/dp/0826149944/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275315485&sr=1-4


Advocacy: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2015/10/19/the-case-for-value-based-medical-care/

Status: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2018/12/07/the-state-of-value-based-care-vbc/

Transition: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2017/08/06/transitioning-to-value-based-medical-care-payments/

Physicians: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2016/02/03/value-based-care-vbc-and-physician-performance/


But – During a Panel Discussion Captured on YouTube at the 2019 HLTH Conference in Las Vegas, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona CEO Pam Kehaly Admitted that Only 10% of the Payments in Value-Based Contracts Were Value-Based.

So, what gives?

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfAxOpyP-sA

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ORDER: https://www.amazon.com/Business-Medical-Practice-Transformational-Doctors/dp/0826105750/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1448163039&sr=8-9&keywords=david+marcinko



2014 Forecast of Medical Per Capita Claims

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Cost Increases by Plan Type

By www.MCOL.com




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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com


LEXICONS: http://www.springerpub.com/Search/marcinko
PHYSICIANS: www.MedicalBusinessAdvisors.com
PRACTICES: www.BusinessofMedicalPractice.com
HOSPITALS: http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781466558731
CLINICS: http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439879900
ADVISORS: www.CertifiedMedicalPlanner.org
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An Integrated Approach to Healthcare Network Alignment and Scalable Innovation‏

More on Healthcare Network Design and Automation

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[Part 5 in a 6 part series]

By Sam Muppalla – Vice President, McKesson Health Solutions Network Performance Management

Previously, on this ME-P, I wrote about the barriers to alignment across product, network, care and reimbursement innovations. And, yes, I teased you with the three-word preview of what was to come this week: Integrated Building Blocks. The idea of building blocks lies at the heart of an approach to achieving alignment and scaling innovation, so let’s dive in.

Unlocking potential administrative, IT and medical savings — while also creating sustainable alignment of the innovation engines — requires various building blocks be in place as a sound foundation for network design and implementation. These building blocks deliver the required functionality in the most efficient manner. When these building blocks are utilized in an integrated fashion, the current barriers are removed and innovation alignment is achieved.

Four Essential Building Blocks

There are four essential network design automation building blocks that comprise the foundation for innovation: networks, contracting, reimbursement and engagement.

Each of these building blocks enables capabilities by delivering necessary functionality within and across the spectrum of network design. Reaching levels of maturity with this capability unlocks additional value and alignment.


The network building block enables health plans to differentiate and compete. The purpose is to differentiate their value for each customer segment by aligning the product and care model designs with the underlying network designs. It ensures network performance by facilitating the selection of appropriate providers into networks and the alignment of provider reimbursement with network design objectives. It enables networks to be mapped to member-facing and provider-facing products. The provider-facing products can be used for contracting and provider rate differentiation. The member-facing products can be aligned with benefits and serve as steerage targets for benefit designers.

These constructs, in conjunction with each other, enable productization of care model and payment innovation. For example, a health plan could define a “Medical Home Network” that consists of medical homes and supporting providers in a given geography. It could then enable PCMH-specific reimbursement (e.g., PMPM capitation + Fee For Services (FFS) for preventive services + P4P for EBM) by defining a provider-facing product and associating specific reimbursement policies with that provider product. Additionally, it could also define a member-facing product (e.g., PPO Value) which combines the medical home network with the general market PPO network. This in turn will allow the health plan to define a benefit extension which gives a 10 percent premium reduction to members who use Medical Home Network providers for their primary care. In short, a health plan is now able to monetize its care innovation (PCMH), align benefit design to network design for steerage, and align its provider payment with member incentives (around preventive services), while incenting higher quality care (P4P).

The network building block also achieves administrative cost leadership through comprehensive provider data governance and automation of core provider processes.


The contracting building block is designed to enable health plans to reduce contract administrative costs while increasing provider payment accuracy. It optimizes the management of the provider contracting lifecycle through the automation of contract authoring, offering negotiating and acceptance while ensuring the standardization of terms and policies. This building block achieves reduced medical expenditure driven by contract standards adherence, reduced claims mis-payments, and increased speed to market for new payment innovations. It also can support rules-based enforcement of network level reimbursement guidelines to ensure consistent network performance.


The reimbursement building block enables health plans to maximize the effectiveness of their medical expenditures by paying for value versus volume and by incenting team-based performance. It is the single source of truth for all forms of reimbursement including traditional claims pricing, episodes of care, shared savings, capitation and P4P. This building block enables the mixing and matching of reimbursement methodologies to incent optimal provider performance. It supports a modeling engine to analyze the financial impact of reimbursement and contract changes. It incorporates network-aware provider/contract selection for claims pricing intake. This is a rules driven, high performance service that leverages provider relationship information to select the right provider, the right governing contract and the right reimbursement model for each incoming claim. Additionally, it includes provider transparency services that enable health plan provider portals to support online pricing lookups and reimbursement status/detail inquiries for providers. These services can be extended to support provider performance scorecards and benchmarks.


The engagement building block is designed to increase collaboration and participation. It enables meaningful engagement among health plans, providers and members in order to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. This building block achieves reduced administrative and service costs, increased member participation and adherence, increased provider satisfaction and adoption of care/payment initiatives, and the enablement of collaborative/integrated care delivery models such as PCMH and ACO.

Utilizing flexible, automated and integrated building block capabilities is the key to sustainable success that not only unlocks the promise of affordable care to customer segments but also delivers on reduced administrative, medical and IT costs. Incorporating information technologies that can facilitate, if not altogether replace, the manual interactions will be an important part of every organization’s evolution.


Next week, in our final part 6 of this series, we’ll wrap up this discussion with a look at some of the potential savings health plans could achieve through alignment and an integrated approach to network design. The potential savings are not slight, so stay tuned. As always, if you just don’t want to wait for next week, visit our website and download the entire Unlocking Affordable Care by Aligning Products white paper; it’s available now.


Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.

Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact: MarcinkoAdvisors@msn.com


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