STRIKE: Kaiser Permanente Strikes

By Staff Reporters



More than 75,000 workers employed by Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest nonprofit healthcare providers in the US, plan to walk off the job for three days—starting today.

Healthcare workers across the industry are experiencing challenges, which Kaiser acknowledged in response to the looming strike. According to a statement by the company, up to two-thirds of healthcare staff everywhere are burnt out. That’s exacerbated by the issues Kaiser employee unions say they’re striking over, including:

  • Acute staffing shortages: Short-staffing is a common problem in healthcare, but union members say that it has worsened between the pandemic and the Great Resignation—and patient safety is in danger.
  • Wage increases: The union wants what it describes as competitive compensation that accounts for the increased cost of living: a $25/hour wage floor and increases between 6.25% and 7% over the next four years.

Kaiser insists it pays a decent and denied claims of being short-staffed, saying it hired 22,000 people already this year.



Physicians, hospitals, and emergency rooms will not be impacted, but some facilities will have reduced staff for nursing and support roles.




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OCTOBER 4th: National “Emergency Alert” Day



On Wednesday at 11:20 am and 2:20 pm 2023, Eastern, most Americans will simultaneously feel their cellphones vibrate, hear them make a loud sound and see a push alert pop up on their screens. Most radio and television stations will broadcast an alert at the same time for about one minute.

It’s a test of the national emergency alert systems, which are designed to let the government reach hundreds of millions of people in the United States immediately if there is a disaster affecting the entire country. The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Communications Commission are conducting the coordinated test to see if the technology is working as designed and if any improvements are needed.

The sound is a unique tone that probably will interrupt classes and meetings, reveal the locations of hidden phones, and jar anyone not expecting it. The test itself is already leading to baseless conspiracy theories about how the powerful communication tool could be abused.

There is no national emergency, no reason to panic and nothing you need to do about the alerts.

It is, as the text will say, just a test.



Become a Board CERTIFIED MEDICAL PLANNER™ and Thrive

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[By Ann Miller RN MHA]

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Dear Physician Focused Financial Advisors

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