Can this Doctor RETIRE?


By Staff Reporters





I’m a late career entry and 55 year old burned out doctor who wants out. Can I retire in 2 years with a pension of $6,100 a month (net). I have $825,000 in my 401(k) and 457 plan and a mortgage of $95,000 at 5.30%. I am not planning to move and will retire in place.


Congratulations on you solid retirement fund on top of a pending pension. 

The first step you should take is to create a detailed budget for your retirement years. Consider expected living costs, healthcare expenses, travel and any other major expenses. Many folks make the mistake of setting up a monthly budget, but keep out significant milestones that are often costly, such as paying for a child’s college education or wedding.

Next, you should figure out your plan for housing. Mortgage payments, upkeep and taxes are important considerations. There was no mention of mortgage equity. 

Another factor to take into account is state and Federal tax projections. If the 401(k) funds are all pre-tax dollars, any distributions will be taxable and there may be penalties if funds are withdrawn prior to 59 ½ years old. That will impact your retirement plan if you’re preparing to retire at 57-58.

It also sounds like you haven’t taken into account your Social Security allowance. It’s possible that your pension is one that comes with a government pension offset which would explain why you didn’t include it. On the other hand, maybe you’re thinking it’s far out enough that it doesn’t factor into your calculations?

Finally, you may want to look for a fee-only financial advisor that is paid directly by the client and doesn’t receive commissions for recommending financial products. So, advice is less biased. And get a fiduciary advisor which means they are required to put your best interests ahead of their own. 

Also, someone with medical niche specificity. Good Luck!


NOTE: This is not an offer to buy or sell any security or interest. All investing involves risk, including loss of principal. Working with an adviser may come with potential downsides such as payment of fees (which will reduce returns). There are no guarantees that working with an adviser will yield positive returns. The existence of a fiduciary duty does not prevent the rise of potential conflicts of interest.

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