HEDGE FUNDS: Understanding Fees and Costs




DEFINITION: A Hedge fund is an investment partnership with freer rein to invest aggressively in a wider variety of financial products than most mutual funds. A hedge fund’s purpose is to pool funds, maximize investor returns, and eliminate risk with hedging strategies. Hedge funds are generally considered more aggressive, risky, and exclusive than mutual funds. The hedge fund industry has grown tremendously since its inception. There are trillions of dollars of assets under management, more than 8,800 hedge fund managers, and over 27,000 funds globally

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/082610254


Many physicians and other investors — even those that meet net worth guidelines — are surprised to learn that there exists a $500 – 999 billion, or more, alternative investment industry that is not generally marketed to the public. Such alternative investments have also been known as hedge funds or private investment funds.

Unlike mutual funds, these alternative investments can be structured in a wide variety of ways. Because of the very same regulations discussed above, these funds cannot be advertised, but they are far from illegal or illicit.

READ MORE: https://marcinkoassociates.com/hedge-funds/



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