HEALTHCARE: Spending Grew in 2022

By Health Capital Consultants, LLC



On December 13, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its annual report on healthcare spending in the U.S., highlighting the growth in private insurance and Medicaid spending in 2022, which was offset by the declines in supplemental federal funding as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


This Health Capital Topics article reviews the notable healthcare spending findings in CMS’s report. (Read more…) 


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Controlling Health Care Spending [An NIHCM Foundation Webinar]

The Imperative to Act and Diverse Views of the Road Forward

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The spends $2.5 trillion annually on health care, accounting for well over 17 percent of GDP and growing rapidly with challenging fiscal consequences. Despite the imperative to control spending, we face much uncertainty about how to move to a more sustainable path.

Political opposition threatens implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and many of its cost-control measures are still unproven. A long-term fix for Medicare physician payment remains elusive. The trigger mechanism activated by the failure of the Super Committee is poised to affect myriad health programs, but decisions on the specific cuts await sure-to-be intense congressional negotiations.

And, the many ideas for entitlement reform that were advanced during deficit reduction talks continue to generate much debate but little consensus.


To shed light on these complex issues, this webinar will feature leading health policy experts discussing topics including:

  • health spending growth and the implications for government budgets, employers and individuals
  • the societal trade-offs we face as health spending grows and as we think about ways to control spending
  • alternative viewpoints on the viability of cost control approaches now being tried and the most promising options for the future.


Visit NIHCM Foundation’s website to view an agenda and additional resources on health care spending. And, please register by noon (EST) on February 1st.


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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:

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