DAILY UPDATE: R.I.P. Medical Debt as Stock Markets End Mixed

By Staff Reporters



New York City intends to wipe out more than $2 billion in medical debt for up to 500,000 residents, tackling a top cause of personal bankruptcy, Mayor Eric Adams just announced yesterday.

The city is working with RIP Medical Debt, a nonprofit that buys medical debt in bulk from hospitals and debt collectors for pennies on the dollar. The group targets the debt of people with low incomes or financial hardships and then forgives the amounts.



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Here’s where the major benchmarks ended:

  • The S&P 500 index rose 14.17 points (0.3%) to 4,864.60; the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 96.36 points (0.3%) to 37,905.45; the NASDAQ Composite® (COMP) rose 65.66 points (0.4%) to 15,425.94.
  • The 10-year Treasury note yield (TNX) gained about 4 basis points to 4.138%.
  • The CBOE Volatility Index® (VIX) fell 0.64 to 12.55.

Shares of banks and retailers were among the market’s weakest areas Tuesday, while consumer staples were among the upside leaders. Oilfield services companies were also strong, as strong quarterly results from Halliburton (HAL) helped offset a slide in crude oil futures. In other markets, the U.S. dollar index (DXY) hit its strongest level since mid-December, partly reflecting the Bank of Japan’s decision to keep short-term interest rates unchanged.



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By Staff Reporters



Theranos founder and ex-CEO Elizabeth Holmes was just banned from US federal health care programs for nine decades, according to the US the health department. Holmes was sentenced in November 2022 to 11 years in prison following a trial that determined she knew her blood-testing startup, which was founded in 2003 and which claimed to be able to test for a range of diseases and risks with one finger prick, produced inaccurate and faulty results. Before government probes, Theranos raised hundreds of millions of dollars, named prominent former U.S. officials to its board, and explored a partnership with the U.S. military to use its tests on the battlefield.

So, just what is a Federal Health Care Program?

Federal Health Care Program means any plan or program that provides health benefits, whether directly, through insurance, or otherwise, which is funded directly, in whole or in part, by the United States Government, including, but not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid/MediCal, managed Medicare/Medicaid/MediCal, TriCare/VA/CHAMPUS, SCHIP, Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan, Indian Health Services, Health Services for Peace Corp Volunteers, Railroad Retirement Benefits Black Lung Program, Services Provided to Federal Prisoners, and Pre- Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs).


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