Wither DROP-IN Group Medical Appointments?


By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA CMP®

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DIGMAs (Drop-In Group Medical Appointments) are medical office appointments with a patient’s physician that take place in a supportive group setting. The model, developed in 1996 by Kaiser Permanente psychologist Dr. Ed Noffsinger, is a combination of an extended medical appointment with the patient’s own physician and effective group learning and support.

The group consists of the physician, a behavioral health professional, and patients from the physician’s panel. DIGMAs are best suited for routine appointments. Unfortunately, the nascent concept was met with mockery and great derision after the PP-ACA era.

PRANKSTERS: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2016/01/31/group-drop-in-doctor-visits-evolving/

Today, after the pandemic and with the rise of tel-health and tele-medicine, Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs), also known as Group Medical Visits [GMVs], are again a growing topic of discussion among providers and health economists, looking for ways to increase access to care and improve efficiency. The group visit format is also getting more attention in recent years as a strategy to add value for the patient. They typically involve up to a dozen patients or so and offer various efficiencies as well as benefits of shared discussion and experiences.


Behavioral Changes

Moreover, physicians and medical providers know that simply telling patients what to do often does not improve their health. The basic premise of DIGMAs, SMAs and GMVs is to build more patient engagement and inspire lasting behavior change by offering patients the opportunity to share their personal experiences not only with their provider but also with other patients dealing with similar issues.

NEWER REALITY: https://www.hqontario.ca/Portals/0/Documents/qi/learningcommunity/Roadmap%20Resources/Advanced%20Access%20and%20Efficiency/Step%205/pc-nha-group-medical-appointments-manual-en.pdf#:~:text=DIGMAs%20%28Drop-In%20Group%20Medical%20Appointments%29%20are%20medical%20appointments,that%20take%20place%20in%20a%20supportive%20group%20setting.

BILLING: https://www.aafp.org/family-physician/practice-and-career/getting-paid/coding/group-visits.html

QUERY: Might this be an approach for tele-health visits as well as rural healthcare, etc.

ASSESSMENT: Your thoughts are comments are appreciated.

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SECOND OPINIONS: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/schedule-a-consultation/

INVITE DR. MARCINKO: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/dr-david-marcinkos-bookings/



One Response

  1. Sebastian,
    Many thanks for the “like.”

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