Medical Malpractice Trial Types

Understanding the Litigation Process

By Dr. Jay S. Grife; Esq, MAinsurance-book

There are two types of trials, trial by jury and trial by judge. It is the task of the judge to determine the law, while the jury determines the facts.  In a trial by judge—called a “bench” trial—the judge determines both the law and the facts.  The U.S. Constitution guarantees a trial by jury.  If a party does not request a jury trial, however, the right to a jury trial can be waived.

The Statistics

Most civil cases in the United States are tried by jury.  Of the 3 percent of all cases that go to trial, the Department of Justice reports about two-thirds are jury trials, and one-third are bench trials. Whether to try a case to the judge or to a jury is strictly a matter of choice by the litigants.  If either party timely requests a jury trial, however, the case must be tried to a jury.  Because of the constitutional implications, in most cases both parties must waive their right to a jury trial in order for the case to be tried to a judge.  In a few instances, such as trials for injunctions and family law matters, a jury trial is not an option and a judge must hear the case.  However, the majority of civil issues offer the litigants a choice between bench or jury trials.

Notions and Perceptions

So why would anyone choose to have a case heard by a judge as opposed to a jury, or vice versa?  The reasons are mainly based on preconceived notions about judge and juror biases.  Generally, most litigants favor a jury over a judge because the decision is put into the hands of many rather than in the hands of one.  Plaintiffs usually like juries because lay individuals are believed to be more sympathetic, and a plaintiff can appeal to the emotions of a jury.  Conversely, defendants usually prefer bench trials because a judge is thought to be more objective in deciding a case.  Requesting a bench trial can also result in a much quicker trial date.  Since court dockets in most large cities are becoming increasingly congested, the time difference between a jury trial date and a bench trial date can be literally years.


None of the perceptions about the benefits of a jury trial or a bench trial apply to all situations—every case is different.  There is at least some empirical evidence that some of the commonly held conceptions about bench and jury trials are actually misconceptions.  For example, while it is almost universally believed that juries tend to favor plaintiffs and award much higher monetary amounts, a recent study by the Department of Justice suggests that judges favor plaintiffs and return higher verdicts.  Still, jury trials outnumber bench trials by about two to one [1].


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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


FINANCE: Financial Planning for Physicians and Advisors
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[1] See Civil Jury Cases and Verdicts in Large Counties, Civil Justice Survey of State Courts at:

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DAILY UPDATE: Trump’s SPAC as the S&P 500 Records a New High

By Staff Reporters



The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission allowed Donald Trump’s media and technology company to merge with a blank-check acquisition [SPAC] vehicle in a deal that currently values the parent of his social media app Truth Social at as much as $10 billion.



Here’s where the major benchmarks ended:

  • The S&P 500 index rose 29.11 points (0.6%) to 5,029.73; the Dow Jones Industrial Average® (DJI) gained 348.85 points (0.9%) to 38,773.12; the NASDAQ Composite® (COMP) added 47.03 points (0.3%) to 15,906.17.
  • The 10-year Treasury note yield (TNX) fell more than 2 basis points to 4.242%.
  • The CBOE Volatility Index® (VIX) lost 0.37 to 14.01.

Bank shares were among the market’s strongest performers with an assist from Wells Fargo (WFC), whose shares jumped more than 7% following reports a bank industry regulator had ended a penalty it imposed after a fake accounts scandal.

Energy companies also posted outsized gains behind a rebound in crude oil prices. Also, small-cap shares extended a sharp upswing as the Russell 2000® Index (RUT) gained 2.5% and ended at its highest level since late December.



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Malpractice Trial Jury Selection

Understanding the Trial Process

[By Dr. Jay S. Grife; Esq, MA]insurance-book

The selection process for a jury begins with what is called the jury pool.  A number of citizens are selected as potential jurors, usually several times the number of jurors needed for a trial.  From this pool of potential jurors, the jury panel is selected.

Jury Size and Constituency

The size of the jury panel varies by state and locale.  Most juries consist of about six to twelve individuals on a panel.  In addition, one or more alternate jurors may also be selected.  Alternate jurors sit with the jury and hear evidence just as all the other jurors.  In some states, they also sit in on jury deliberations, though they are not allowed to participate.  If for some reason a member of the panel is unable to continue with the trial or other deliberations, the alternate juror fills in.  The number of alternate jurors varies, and determining the number is usually left to the discretion of the judge.  Generally; longer trials require more alternate jurors.

Pre-Trial Questionnaires

Before any potential juror appears at the courthouse for a trial, usually a questionnaire form is mailed for the individual to complete and return to the court.  Such forms request information such as name, age, occupation, educational background, participation as a party or witness in previous litigation, previous jury service, etc.  Attorneys for the parties are able to obtain and review these questionnaires in advance of the trial date.

More Questions

On the day of trial, when the potential jurors arrive at the courthouse, the judge typically asks some generic questions about their ability to serve.  The judge may ask whether any potential juror has a problem staying for the duration of the trial, or whether the potential jurors know any of the parties or their attorneys.  The purpose of these questions is for the judge to determine which, if any, of the potential jurors will be excused immediately from service.


Many juries tend to be comprised of citizens with little or no college education.  One of the possible reasons for this result is that many professionals, especially medical professionals, request to be excused from jury service, citing their professional commitments as justification.  Ironically, professionals are usually the first to complain when juries who lack any representatives with advanced education hear their own cases.  Once the judge is finished with the preliminary screening of the jury pool; attorney questioning of the jurors and voir dire begins.


Your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Feel free to review our top-left column, and top-right sidebar materials, links, URLs and related websites, too. Then, subscribe to the ME-P. It is fast, free and secure.

Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


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BITCOIN: “Halving”


By Staff Reporters



DEFINITION: After the network mines 210,000 blocks—roughly every four years—the block chain reward given to Bitcoin miners for processing transactions is cut in half. This event is called halving because it cuts the rate at which new bitcoins are released into circulation in half. This rewards system will continue until about 2140, when the proposed limit of 21 million coins is reached. At that point, miners will be rewarded with fees for processing transactions, which network users will pay. These fees ensure miners are still incentivized to participate and keep the network going.



And, so, the total value of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency surpassed $1 trillion yesterday for the first time since 2021. The overall crypto market, meanwhile, broke $2 trillion in market cap, fueled by investor confidence. If crypto were a publicly traded company, it would be the fourth-largest in the world behind Microsoft, Apple, and Saudi Aramco.



HALVING – The quadrennial event, expected to take place today or tomorrow, was built into bitcoin’s original code to cut the amount of new coins going into circulation in half every four years. The purpose is to thwart inflation and increase the currency’s value. Bitcoin’s mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, designed the crypto so that only 21 million bitcoins would ever exist. It will take about a century to hit that number, but as it approaches the cutoff, the crypto hose slowly constricts. No one’s sure what happens next

Historically, halvings have coincided with big jumps in price—the coin’s first halving in 2012 saw the price jump from $12.35 to $127 within five months, according to Time. But critics argue that the narrative around halving is much stronger than the actual event. Even bitcoin experts aren’t sure what will happen with the volatile asset. It already hit a record high of over $73,750 in March, thanks to the spot bitcoin ETF approval. And, lest we forget, the whole FTX thing happened since the last halving.


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