Corporate Stock REPURCHASE [Buy-Back] Programs

By Staff Reporters



A stock buyback is when a public company uses cash to buy shares of its own stock on the open market. A company may do this to return money to shareholders that it doesn’t need to fund operations and other investments

Share buybacks can create value for investors in a few ways: Repurchases return cash to shareholders who want to exit the investment. With a buyback, the company can increase earnings per share, all else equal. The same earnings pie cut into fewer slices is worth a greater share of the earnings.

A stock buyback typically means that the price of the remaining outstanding shares increases. This is simple supply-and-demand economics: there are fewer outstanding shares, but the value of the company has not changed, therefore each share is worth more, so the price goes up.


But, the practice has faced criticism from labor unions, the SEC, and even President Biden, who proposed stricter stock buyback regulations for company execs last week.


  • Stock buybacks from S&P 500 companies are expected to pass $1 trillion this year, after hitting a record $882 billion in 2021, according to Goldman Sachs.
  • In recent years, Starbucks spent $13.5 billion repurchasing shares.



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DAILY UPDATE: Uber and the Stock Markets Rebound

By Staff Reporters



Stocks rose yesterday after they plunged following Tuesday’s unexpectedly hot inflation report. And, investors hit the gas pedal on Uber when the company revealed it would buy back $7 billion worth of shares in its first-ever repurchase plan.

Here’s where the major benchmarks ended:

  • The S&P 500 index rose 47.45 points (1.0%) to 5,000.62; the Dow Jones Industrial Average® (DJI) gained 151.52 points (0.4%) to 38,424.27; the NASDAQ Composite® (COMP) added 203.55 points (1.3%) to 15,859.15.
  • The 10-year Treasury note yield (TNX) fell almost 5 basis points to 4.269%.
  • The CBOE Volatility Index® (VIX) fell 1.47 to 14.38.

Small-cap shares were among the upside leaders Wednesday as the Russell 2000® Index (RUT) surged 2.4% to erase over half of its 4% nosedive on Tuesday. Banks and semiconductors were also among the strongest sectors. Energy companies were under pressure after WTI crude oil (/CL) futures dropped 1.6% in the wake of a larger-than-expected increase in U.S. inventories.



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