MOOCs & MOODLES – Are You a Teaching and Educational Futurist?

On Massive Open Online Courses

By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA M.Ed


Today, colleges and universities are beginning to identify students who are adept at learning online and reward top achievers and professors. Employers, graduate and business schools are beginning to troll MOOCs [massive open online courses] seeking viable job, and academic, candidates.


A massive open online course ( MOOC / m uː k / ) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.  In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets , many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs) as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.



In fact, when I last checked, the nation’s graduate, B-school and MBA students were enrolled in more than 118 online MBA/MPH/MSH healthcare administration programs. MOOCs offer greater access for a larger number of students, at significantly lower costs than on-site programs.

By the same token, technology like Blackboard®, Cengage, eXplorance, BANNER and Kalture must be used to full potential. Smart phones, PCs and tablets, videos, interactive games, A.I. simulators and apps with Skype®-like virtual classrooms and cloud storage are obvious embellishments to online initiatives.




A Moodle is a free and open-source learning management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Developed on pedagogical principles, Moodle is used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors.

Note: PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.


ASSESSMENT: Your thoughts are appreciated. Are you a didactic educational futurist? MOOCs or MOODLES anyone?


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About the Richard Feynman Learning Technique

What it is – How it works?

[By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA M.Ed]

I’ve taught at the undergraduate, graduate, business and medical school levels. And, I’ve used and modified the Feynman technique at every level.



Learning From the Richard Feynman Technique

  1. Identify the subject. Write down everything you know about the topic.
  2. Teach it to a child. If you can teach a concept to a child, you’re way ahead of the game.
  3. Identify your knowledge gaps. This is the point where the real learning happens.
  4. Organize + simplify + Tell a story. Start to tell your story.


Assessment: Some time the Feynman Technique even reminds me of the 70-20-10 Leadership Model.


Conclusion: Your thoughts are appreciated.


Risk Management, Liability Insurance, and Asset Protection Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™8Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™


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PODCAST: What is “SWARM” Learning?

By Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA



Warm Learning or Swarm Intelligence, is how swarms of bees or birds move in response to their environment.

When applied to data there is “more peer-to-peer communications, more peer-to-peer collaboration, more peer-to-peer learning and that’s the reason why swarm learning will become more and more important as … as the center of gravity shifts” from centralized to decentralized data.

DZNE : AI with Swarm Intelligence

Medicine Example:

Consider this example,  “A hospital trains their machine learning models on chest X-rays and sees a lot of tuberculosis cases, but very little of lung collapsed cases. So therefore, this neural network model, when trained, will be very sensitive to what’s detecting tuberculosis and less sensitive towards detecting lung collapse.”

“However, we get the converse of it in another hospital. So what you really want is to have these two hospitals combine their data so that the resulting neural network model can predict both situations better. But since you can’t share that data, swarm learning comes in to help reduce that bias of both the hospitals.”

And this means, “each hospital is able to predict outcomes, with accuracy and with reduced bias, as though you have collected all the patient data globally in one place and learned from it.”

Moreover, it’s not just hospital and patient data that must be kept secure. What swarm learning does is to try to avoid or reduce the sharing of data, or totally prevent the sharing of data, to [a model] where you only share the insights, or you share the learnings.

So, that’s why it is fundamentally more secure.



Thank You




Evaluating the “Flipped Classroom”

What it is – How it Works?

[By Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA M.Ed]

DAVID EDWARD MARCINKO | “Leadership at the intersection of academic  research, education and applied business execution”

According to Wikipedia, a flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom.

In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home while engaging in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.


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But, does it work? In vivo -OR- in vitro? Your thoughts are appreciated


Risk Management, Liability Insurance, and Asset Protection Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™8Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™
