PODCAST: Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Today

Transforming Health care ETHICALLY

By Stanford Online

[Drs. Serena Yeung and Matthew Lungreen]

Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform healthcare, driving innovations, efficiencies, and improvements in patient care.

WHITE-PAPER LINK: https://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/jsr-17-task-002_aiforhealthandhealthcare12122017.pdf

But, this powerful technology also comes with a unique set of ethical and safety challenges.

LINK: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Health-Information-Technology-Security/dp/0826149952/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254413315&sr=1-5

So, how can AI be integrated into healthcare in a way that maximizes its potential while also protecting patient safety and privacy? 

In this session faculty from the Stanford AI in Healthcare specialization discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in bringing AI into the clinic, safely and ethically, as well as its impact on the doctor-patient relationship.

They also outline a framework for analyzing the utility of machine learning models in healthcare and will describe how the US healthcare system impacts strategies for acquiring data to power machine learning algorithms.

ASSESSMENT: Your thoughts are appreciated.

