Craig Venter Unveils Synthetic Life

Some Positive News on Memorial Weekend 2024

By Dr. David Edward Marcinko; MBA, MEd, CMP™

Was Artificial Life Created A Decade Ago?

According to Craig Venter “synthetic life” was created. Venter is the American biologist and entrepreneur most famous for his role in being one of the first to sequence the human genome. He has now reportedly synthesized the first artificial cell.

I don’t know about you, but this is huge news – regardless of whether you call it “life” or not.

An Arm Chair Philosopher

Now, I am not speaking as a doctor or scientist; but rather as an armchair economist and philosopher recalling my undergraduate days at Loyola University Maryland, under the tutelage of the late Aldo Tassi PhD. So, I repeat, this was huge news and an interesting piece of science. It is historic, and has large implications for the future and even the economy. Why?

The Invisible Hand

Much of our time here at the ME-P is spent integrating the hard and soft sciences of practice management, economics and financial planning for a medical audience. But occasionally, negative situations, political cycles and pessimistic opinions on our topic channels are expressed. These disparaging political remarks even indirectly target the USA and our very survival as a free nation and self-governing people.

IOW: Contrary to innovations, and innovators, like Craig Venter.

Nevertheless, there an “invisible hand” – call it economics or capitalism – that keeps us moving in the direction of survival. And, we are conscious beings capable of controlling the rate of that progression in all fields of human endeavor.

What it Is

A chromosome was designed in digital code on a computer and then transplanted into a bacterial cell, transforming that cell into a new bacterial species. Apart from the usual blueprint for proteins, the DNA also carried the names of the key contributors and even its own email address.

How it Works

As reported according to Venter, “This is the first self-replicating species on the planet, whose parent is a computer.”

And, he has already mentioned some potential practical applications for his discovery: a vaccine for HIV and a new strain of algae that can significantly decrease CO2-levels and provide a source for gasoline.


And so, on this Memorial Weekend – a day for remembering death and sacrifice – let us celebrate life and achievement instead by stating that we are not apologists for the USA.

As the last best hope for this planet, we are not always right or politically correct, but this country offers the greatest opportunity on earth for human advancement, capitalism and success through conscientious work effort.

We do not believe America has seen better days. Those who fought did not die in vain. Better days are still in our future. We are optimistic about the long-term future of our country when looking at our progression to ameliorate the planet’s ills, to-date. We have come out of hard times before – like the current recession – by taking innovative steps forwards, not backwards. While we are likely to go through a period of adjustment in the near-term, the end result will be further individual, national and private progress in the USA. God Bless America.

Rest assured, we will continue to lead and create the world, much like Crag Venter created artificial life. Candor – Intelligence – Goodwill to all


And so, your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. What do you think of this development? What economic discoveries, medical cures, life enhancing inventions and/or break-thru innovations will this creation open up?

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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:


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13 Responses

  1. Dr. Marcinko

    Craig Venter’s celebrity bacterium is expensive, glitzy and banal… but, as you know, it is not artificial life.

    But, I do appreciate the larger issue of the American spirit and innovative way of life on this Memorial Day and weekend.



  2. Cures … not so Fast!

    Ten years after mapping the human genome, there are few cures.

    This is a great achievement and insights are plentiful, but treatments for common diseases are still elusive.

    Dr. Gene


  3. On Artificial Intelligence

    Stephen Hawking is right?

    The AI arms race is already here!



  4. Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, machine learning: Closer than we think?

    An expert from the Advisory Board says clinicians and physicians should be far more prepared than they are today for the onslaught of technologies that once seemed space age.

    Ann Miller RN MHA


  5. Ethical Questions Loom Over Efforts to Make a Human Genome from Scratch

    The biggest beneficiary of a plan to fabricate a human genome from scratch could be a Massachusetts startup called Gen9 that has close ties to the authors of the still-secretive proposal.

    Read more:

    Hope Hetico RN MHA


  6. A DNA teleporter could send life into space

    We can sequence genomes. We can store them digitally. We can send that information through space. And we can use it to build synthetic DNA. See where this is going?

    In the labs of Synthetic Genomics, originally founded by Craig Venter, those processes have been combined to create a device that uses transmitted digital code to print viruses.



  7. Synthetic life uses unnatural DNA to make new proteins

    Every living thing on Earth stores instructions for life as DNA, using the four genetic bases: A, G, C, and T. All except one, that is.

    In a San Diego lab, researchers have grown E. Coli bacteria with two more letters, an “unnatural” pair called X and Y. And now, for the first time, the germs are using the expanded code to make proteins with equally unusual components.

    We explain how it works, and why it’s a big deal.



  8. Is Crispr Therapeutics Stock Grossly Overvalued?

    Crispr’s stock has started to lose momentum after blasting higher earlier this year. Is the market correcting a prior mistake, or is this dip a buying opportunity?




    Chinese Gene Editing Scientist May Face Death Penalty;

    Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA


  10. Congress is about to renew its ban on creating CRISPR babies in the US

    In an effort to unblock US government funding, the House of Representatives will vote on a bill that would renew the prohibition on genetically modified humans in the US.

    Baby ban: Since 2015, the US has adopted language in funding bills that prohibits the Food and Drug Administration from considering any application to create IVF children from embryos that have been geneticallymodified. But it has to be renewed every year.

    What’s prohibited: The ban covers gene-edited babies like those allegedly born recently in China. The FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, is deeply opposed to softening the CRISPR baby rule. It also blocks a technique that creates what has been dubbed “three-parentbabies.”

    However: By blanket banning all DNA changes to an embryo, Congress is missing a chance “to craft a better, more subtle policy” that could allow real public debate on new reproductive technologies, saysGlenn Cohen, a professor at Harvard Law School.

    Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA
    [MIT Technology Review]


  11. UPDATE: Human Genome

    Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) says it can sequence a genome for the same price as one month of lattes. Not everyone is sold on BGI’s claim, but if it can sequence a genome for just $100, it’d be 6x cheaper than the competition.

    •The company plans to sell its new sequencer, which employs robotic arms and imaging machines, to large research centers.

    Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA


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