Open Call for ME-P Contributors

Call for Manuscripts, Articles, Essays, Comments or Opinions

Dear Medical and Financial Services Colleagues, Health Economists, CPAs, JDs, Insurance Agents and Consultants,


The Medical Executive-Post (ME-P), supported by iMBA Inc., with (ISSN 13: 978-1-4665-5873-1] is currently accepting manuscripts for publication.

The ME-P is an open access, multidisciplinary, international, blind peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed electronic forum which publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited research, commentary, opinions, curated news and review articles in English, in all areas of Physician Focused Financial Planning, health economics, finance, accounting, medical practice management, health law, IT, policy and administration. We have over 50 topic channels.

Rapid Response Peer-Review

ME-P is a rapid response forum that publishes daily. One of our objectives is to inform contributors (authors) of the decision on their manuscript(s) within 48 hours of submission. Following acceptance, a paper would be published in the next available issue. The ME-P provides immediate open access to published articles without any barrier.



[ME-P Fast Review, Turn-Around and Publishing Time]


Broad Exposure Potential

Publishing your news, opinions or comments, essays or articles with the ME-P means that they will be available to millions of readers and researchers because our large and diverse readership base comprises millions of collaborators. Our forum supports the free downloading of published articles by scholars for use as materials for lecture, by government officials for policy making, professors, colleges, universities and educators, and by corporate researchers and FAs to selected firms and organizations world-wide.

Blog Citations

blog citations


Also, ME-P is a member of several local and international organizations, making it possible for the far and wide distribution of published materials. We ask you to support this initiative by publishing your thoughts, comments, articles and original paper(s) 0n this forum, and in our textbooks and white-papers, etc.


Authors should send their materials or manuscript(s) as attached MSFT Word files to the following email:

Best regards,

Ann Ann Miller RN MHA


 Product DetailsProduct Details

3 Responses

  1. Dear ME-P, Psychology Representatives and Student Leaders,

    The Undergraduate Research Journal at UCLA is now accepting submissions of original undergraduate research papers for its Spring 2015 issue, and would like to invite undergraduates at your school who are involved in psychology and related fields to submit their work to be considered for publication.

    Please forward the following call for submissions to the members of psychology and psychology-related organizations, student groups, honor societies, research laboratories, and any other students who may be involved or interested in undergraduate research.

    Thank you,
    Emily Chen
    Submissions Director, URJP



    If you have completed an original research paper or review in psychology or related fields, The Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA (URJP) would like to invite you to submit a research paper to be considered for publication for our Spring 2015 issue!

    URJP is an annual publication brought together by the collaborative efforts of UCLA students and neighboring universities in order to disseminate undergraduate research to the scientific community at large. Last year, we received 120+ submissions from local to international universities in fields such as psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and linguistics.

    In order to submit, the papers must be:

    · Original work completed by undergraduates (this includes senior honors theses, independent research projects, literature reviews, theoretical papers, and other scholarly writing)

    · Never before been published

    · Fits the attached submissions criteria

    Even if you do not have access to usable data necessary for independent research papers, we STRONGLY encourage all undergraduates to consider “stepping stone” and “review article” submissions types. These are relatively short in length and offer unique opportunities to publish work as undergraduates!

    The deadline to submit papers for publication is November 30th, 2014. Multiple submissions from one author are welcome. If you would like to submit an original research article for review, please complete the following:

    · Review your research paper to see if it matches the attached submissions criteria

    · Replace any identifying information in the research article with empty brackets to ensure anonymity (this includes author and institution name)

    · Attach both a word and pdf copy of the article in an email to

    · After sending the article, please fill out:

    If you have any questions or concerns about the submissions process, please contact us at for further information. We look forward to reading your submissions!

    Anthony Osuna,
    The Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA


  2. I’d like to write for ME-P
    [How can I get involved?]

    The ME-P publishes original posts and reprints on the business of health care, economics, financial planning, wealth and portfolio management; health administration and medical practice management, health tech and national health care policy; etc.

    If you’d like to write for us, you can either send us a brief pitch outlining the story you have in mind or submit a completed post. We often cross-post pieces that have appeared on smaller sites or personal blogs, putting bloggers on the national stage.

    And, we periodically republish opinion pieces that have appeared in national outlets such as the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and the New York Times in cases where authors control copyright.

    As a general rule, permissions for unpaid works revert to authors after a set period of time. This is typically 3 days to a month. If you’re not sure about rights to your work, check with your editor – it’s always a good idea to make sure.

    Ann Miller RN MHA


  3. General Submission Guidelines for ME-P Articles/Essays:

    • Submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word document,
    • MLA format,
    • Omit author(s) names within the manuscript,
    • 12 pt Times New Roman font with 1″ margins on all sides,
    • Length: 5,000-7,000 (inclusive of abstract, endnotes, and works cited.
    • Submit manuscript with:
    • 10 keywords;
    • abstract (250-300);
    • endnotes if applicable;
    • author bio (up to 100 words);

    *If you are considering submitting a manuscript, know that we are always happy to review abstracts to assess the fit prior to submittal:

    Additional Submission Guidelines and Review Process Submissions should

    • not be previously published or simultaneously submitted to other journals, blogs or anthologies for ME-P publication;
    • be 5,000-7,000 words in length, inclusive of abstract, endnotes (no footnotes), and citations;
    • employ parenthetical in-text citations, endnotes (if necessary), and a Works Cited or References page;
    • be written in clear US English in active voice and third person;
    • avoid jargon and language that is discriminatory or inflammatory in nature;
    • conform to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, seventh edition (2009).

    Please refer to the MLA Handbook for additional questions regarding grammar, punctuation, and usage.

    Submit documents using Microsoft Word, and remove the author’s name from the abstract, essay, and running header to facilitate the blind review process.

    Submissions will be forwarded to two members of the Editorial Board for double-blind review, and comments will be returned to the author upon conclusion of the review process.

    The outcomes of the review process are:

    • Accept: the essay is approved for publication excepting sentence-level grammatical and mechanical editing concerns.
    • Accept with revisions: the essay offers scholarship valuable to ME-P studies, but based on reviewer comments, some revision, clarification, or reorganization is necessary. If the essay is revised in keeping with the reviewer suggestions, it will be accepted for publication in a future issue of the ME-P.
    • Revise and resubmit: the essay has the potential to be publishable material, but the review suggestions indicate that revisions in scope, research, and/or style are necessary prior to a reconsideration of the essay. Authors are encouraged to revise accordingly and resubmit the essay, at which point it will be forwarded for double-blind review once more.
    • Reject: the essay does not fit the scope and/or scholarly requirements for publication.

    Submission may be returned prior to the review process if the editors determine the essay does not fit the scholarly requirements for publication and/or the scope of the ME-P.

    Thank you.
    Hope R. Hetico RN MHA
    [Managing Editor]


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