PODCAST: Improving Healthcare Outcomes & Supporting Providers in Value-Based Care



Value-based care has the potential to transform health care, improving quality and access for millions of people, while addressing COVID-19 related disparities. As a result of the pandemic, many rural communities and communities of color face significant reductions in access to health care.

More than 8% of practicing physicians nationwide closed during COVID-19 despite 82 million Americans living in “health professional shortage areas.” The financial strain and burnout experienced by providers has fueled interest in accelerating the adoption of value-based care. As of 2017, only 34% of health care dollars were the result of value-based care payments. This low rate of adoption exists despite evidence tying payments to patient health outcomes and rewarding higher quality care leads to reduced costs.

This webinar brought together experts who are driving innovative initiatives, achieving excellence in health outcomes, and uncovering more effective ways to implement value-based care.


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