HEALTH INSURANCE: Benefits Costs are Up!

By Staff Reporters



Employers expect health benefit costs to rise by more than 5% on average in 2024 as factors like high inflation, health labor shortages, and expensive new therapies put pressure on plan spending after years of 3%–4% annual growth, early data suggests.

Preliminary results from Mercer’s 2023 National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans found that total health benefit costs could increase by as much as 6.6% per employee if companies do nothing to control spending, or an average of 5.4% if employers take steps to hold down costs.

That slight gap suggests most employers don’t plan to make cost-cutting changes to their plans—likely due to concerns about healthcare affordability, the analysis noted. Many large companies (with 500+ employees) have avoided shifting costs to employees over the last five years, resulting in little growth in deductibles and other cost-sharing requirements.



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