Apply to our Financial Advisor Consultant Listing Service

We’re collecting information on financial advisors, financial planners, accountants, attorneys and/or related folks in the Health 2.0 space who have a particular affinity or expertise advising doctors, nurses, medical professionals, and related others. And, we have been for some time, now.

New Channel Development for Medically Focused Financial Advisors and Management Consultants*


By Ann Miller; RN, MHA

[Executive Director]solo-consultant3     

A New Approach

Unfortunately, this usually means that some really interesting and smart folks, who purchase our books, dictionaries, print-journal, blog or email us; may get lost in the confusion. The result is that too many great medically focused consultants that we’d love to hear about are getting lost in the shuffle. And so, we’re trying something else instead.

Tell us about your Practice

Tell us about your financial advisory practice, and you may end up being mentioned in dispatches, or featured on a separate channel that we are developing. Selection and inclusion criteria include but are not limited to the following credentials:

  • Undergraduate or Graduate degree
  • Industry acknowledged certification or designation
  • Clean CRD record
  • Clean criminal record
  • Insurance agents need not apply
  • Stock brokers need not apply
  • Fiduciaries are encouraged
  • RIAs and independent advisors are encouraged
  • Published authors or educators are encouraged
  • Mission statement on physician niche focus required.


So, if you want our readers to pay attention to your financial advisory practice or firm, this will get it into a systematic review process starring our crack staff.  Otherwise you may face the peril of lost notoriety to other non-specific niches; or referral sources.

Publisher’s Note: The inclusion or rejection decision is final; but not set in stone and our terms and conditions may change without notice; the beta project may also be cancelled at any time. We reserve the right to reject anyone, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all. This is a beta project-in-development. The advisors listed are not affiliated or endorsed by iMBA Inc., in any way. This is an advertisement opportunity only.

*NOTE: There is a $120 annual fee for this listing service. It is waived for subscribers of our two volume companion print journal, upon request.

List Link:


And so, your thoughts and comments on this Medical Executive-Post are appreciated. What do you think about this idea to develop a new promotional channel for truly physician focused financial advisors?

Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements. Contact:  or Bio:

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