FLAG DAY: June 14, 2024 Historical Review




Flag Day in the United States is a commemoration of the American flag, observed on June 14th each year, which marks the anniversary of the flag’s official adoption. The Continental Congress designated the “Stars and Stripes” as the official American flag on June 14, 1777, during the Revolutionary War. Prior to this, various flags with different symbols and slogans represented different colonies or interests.

The adoption of the American flag became necessary with the Declaration of Independence. The Flag Resolution of 1777, enacted on June 14th, specified that the flag would consist of thirteen alternating red and white stripes, representing the original thirteen colonies, with a union of thirteen white stars on a blue field. The official announcement of the new flag was made on September 3rd, 1777.

Here are some other flag facts:

  • The current design is the 27th iteration of the flag and the longest-used design, since the US hasn’t added a new state since 1959 (plus the 51st star would mess up the symmetry).
  • Last year, four senators introduced the All-American Flag Act to require the federal government to exclusively buy American flags made in the USA. As of 2017, the US imported 10 million American flags from abroad, 99.5% of which were made in China.

While there is no conclusive proof, it is widely believed that Betsy Ross, a seamstress from Philadelphia, played a role in creating the first American flag.




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