FRIDAY 13th: Triskaidekaphobia

By Staff Reporters



Triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number 13, does not fit neatly into a clinical definition of a specific phobia. The number 13 is not an object or a situation, and it can be impossible for the sufferer to avoid. Moreover, in order for a phobia to be diagnosed, it must significantly impact the sufferer’s life. Most people with triskaidekaphobia find that their fear only arises in certain situations, and does not significantly impair their lives. But could this phobia just be linked to superstition? 

Experts have long debated the scientific validity of triskaidekaphobia. Some feel that it should be classified as superstition or even taken as a sign of magic, which in conjunction with other symptoms, could point to a delusional disorder.


Fearfully, stocks dropped yesterday as fresh inflation data renewed fears that the Fed will keep rates higher for longer. The Consumer Price Index in September held steady at 3.7%—still a ways off from the Fed’s 2% target for inflation. News was better for Walgreens, whose shares jumped 7% after the pharmacy giant reported smaller losses and showed progress in its plan to cut costs.


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