PODCAST: Healthcare Re-Imagined


Richard Helppie's Common Bridge

Colleague Richard Helppie interviews Dean Clancy

Dean Clancy is a senior health care policy fellow at Americans for Prosperity and a nationally known health care freedom advocate and domestic policy expert with more than twenty years’ high-level policy experience in Congress, the White House, and the U.S. health care industry.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I first met Rich in B-school, when I was a student, back in the day. He was the Founder and CEO of Superior Consultant Holdings Corp. Rich graciously wrote the Foreword to one of my first textbooks on financial planning for physicians and healthcare professionals. Today, Rich is a successful entrepreneur in the technology, health and finance space.

-Dr. David E. Marcinko MBA CMP®


PODCAST: https://richardhelppie.com/dean-clancy/

ASSESSMENT: Your thoughts are appreciated.




One Response

  1. HSAs for ALL!

    I agree 100%. It has huge advantages for the investor/saver but also would make everyone (everyone who cares at least) to be a bit more savvy healthcare shopper as well as not have healthcare costs derail their retirement plans. Assuming they planned accordingly.
    Reimagine healthcare to provide for more transparency in pricing, more ways to save, and more competition is a movement we can all get behind!



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