FINANCIAL PLANNING: Physician and Fiduciary Focused

(“Informed Voice of a New Generation of Fiduciary Advisors for Healthcare”)

By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA CMP

As fellow doctors, we understand better than most the more complex financial challenges physicians can face when it comes to their financial planning. Of course, most physicians ultimately make a good income, but it is the saving, asset and risk management tolerance and investing part that many of our colleagues’ struggle with. Far too often physicians receive terrible guidance, have no time to properly manage their own investments and set goals for that day when they no longer wish to practice medicine.

For the average doctor or healthcare professional, the feelings of pride and achievement at finally graduating are typically paired with the heavy burden of hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

You dedicated countless hours to learning, studying, and training in your field. You missed birthdays and holidays, time with your families, and sacrificed vacations to provide compassionate and excellent care for your patients. Amidst all of that, there was no time to give your finances even a second thought.

Between undergraduate, medical school, and then internship and residency, most young physicians do not begin saving for retirement until late into their 20s, if not their 30s. You’ve missed an entire decade or more of allowing your money and investments to compound and work for you. When it comes to addressing your financial health and security, there’s no time to waste.

And you may be misled by unscrupulous “advisors”.

For example:

Question: Do you know the difference between a “Fee-Only” and a “Fee-Based financial advisor? Not knowing may cost you tens of thousands of dollars, or more, in excessive advisory fees.


Of course, all of this compound’s physician stress and burnout related issues, as well.



Thank You



FINANCIAL PLANNING: Physician Niche Focused Fiduciaries

(“Informed Voice of a New Generation of Fiduciary Advisors for Healthcare”)

By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA CMP

As fellow doctors, we understand better than most the more complex financial challenges physicians can face when it comes to their financial planning. Of course, most physicians ultimately make a good income, but it is the saving, asset and risk management tolerance and investing part that many of our colleagues’ struggle with. Far too often physicians receive terrible guidance, have no time to properly manage their own investments and set goals for that day when they no longer wish to practice medicine.

For the average doctor or healthcare professional, the feelings of pride and achievement at finally graduating are typically paired with the heavy burden of hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

You dedicated countless hours to learning, studying, and training in your field. You missed birthdays and holidays, time with your families, and sacrificed vacations to provide compassionate and excellent care for your patients. Amidst all of that, there was no time to give your finances even a second thought.

Between undergraduate, medical school, and then internship and residency, most young physicians do not begin saving for retirement until late into their 20s, if not their 30s. You’ve missed an entire decade or more of allowing your money and investments to compound and work for you. When it comes to addressing your financial health and security, there’s no time to waste.

And you may be misled by unscrupulous “advisors”.

For example:

Question: Do you know the difference between a “Fee-Only” and a “Fee-Based financial advisor? Not knowing may cost you tens of thousands of dollars, or more, in excessive advisory fees.


Of course, all of this compound’s physician stress and burnout related issues, as well.



Thank You



Doctor – Are You Worn Out?

What is your outlook on this?


By Jason Dyken MD MBA

Take a look at the link below for my video podcast presentation.

It is a surprising and depressing fact that 7 out of 10 doctors would not recommend healthcare as a profession to their children.

  • So, what is your outlook on this?
  • Would you recommend healthcare as a profession to a family member or friend?


I would love to hear your thoughts and input.





  Risk Management, Liability Insurance, and Asset Protection Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™    Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™


More on Physician Burn-Out

And … Depression




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Speaker: If you need a moderator or speaker for an upcoming event, Dr. David E. Marcinko; MBA – Publisher-in-Chief of the Medical Executive-Post – is available for seminar or speaking engagements.

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Risk Management, Liability Insurance, and Asset Protection Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners™