BUYING: Home Economics

By Staff Reporters



A report released last month by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) confirms what many Americans suspect: home affordability is down. Due to rising interest rates and low inventory, NAR found that the average income of a home buyer between July 2022 and June 2023 was $107,000, up from $88,000 the year prior—one of the highest levels since NAR started tracking in 1981.

But the housing market continues to churn. The organization found…

  • More and more home buyers are single women. The share of single women buying homes is almost double that of men. They’re also slightly older—a single woman buying her first home is 38 on average, while a single man is 33 years old.
  • Buyers are older. The average first-time home buyer is 35, up from 29 in the 1980s, but it’s older people who are buying up the three-bedrooms after selling their starter homes: NAR found that the median age of a repeat home buyer last year was 58. In 1981, it was 36 years old.


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