By Staff Reporters

Today is National Coffee Day

To celebrate, enjoy a free coffee from a breakfast chain, and while you wait for it to cool, reflect on the fact that the cup of coffee in your hand is one of about 3 billion being consumed around the world just today—a number that has nearly doubled over the past three decades and is expected to double again by 2050, per the Financial Times.

BTW: Over the next two years, Starbucks is on pace to open a new store in China every nine hours.

NOTE: Key differences between a latte and coffee include:

  • Brew method: Lattes are made with an espresso base, while coffee is brewed with hot water.
  • Taste: Lattes are sweeter and creamier than coffee.
  • Caffeine: Lattes are less caffeinated than coffee.
  • Calories: Coffee is lower in calories than a latte.
  • Price: Lattes are typically more expensive than coffee due to the espresso base and the addition of milk.


Today is World Heart Day

Today is also World Heart Day, a reminder for patients to not miss a (heart) beat and check in on their cardiovascular health. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and not smoking can help lower your risk for heart disease, the CDC found.

