HOLIDAY BONUS: Wall Street is Down

By Staff Reporters



For the second straight year, Wall Street bankers should prepare for smaller bonuses this holiday season, according to a report from consulting firm Johnson Associates. Cash bonuses for investment bankers in particular could shrivel up to 25% compared to 2022. Now, bonuses often account for a huge share of bankers’ total compensation. In some cases, they can be double their salary. That adds up to tens of billions of dollars in Wall Street’s bonus pot, which hit an all-time high in 2021.

But two years later, the economy looks a lot different.

For example, IPOs have slowed, interest rates are up, and we’re down a few banks. Investment bankers aren’t the only ones feeling the effects:

  • Regional bankers are likely to see bonuses fall 10%–20%.
  • Workers in asset management and sales could get 5%–10% less this year.
  • The only groups expected to receive bonus bumps this year are wealth managers and retail or commercial bankers at major global banks. Goldman Sachs is also reportedly considering bigger (but still unspecified) bonuses to keep top traders.


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