FINANCIAL ADVISORS MARKETING: Meaningful “Tchotchkes” for Doctor Prospects



According to Wikipedia, a tchotchke is a small bauble, doodad, doohickey, gewgaw, gismo knickknack, swag, thingamabob, thingamajig, toy, trinket, whatchamacallit, whosie-whatsit, widget, etc. Drug representative, various trade vendors and even prospecting financial advisors that give such cheap souvenirs to potential clients are even sometimes called “tchotchke dukes.” This industry practice is well known and wide spread.


Depending on context, the term has a connotation of worthlessness or disposability as well as tackiness, and has long been used in the regional speech of New York City and elsewhere.

The word may also refer to swag, in the sense of the logo pens, key rings and FOBs, t-shirts, golf balls, and other promotional freebies dispensed at trade shows, conventions, and similar large events. Most are largely value-less promotional pieces.


Medical professionals of all types are fertile prospects for pharmaceutical representatives, insurance agents, financial advisors and like minded vendors. Most of these commissioned salesmen offer tchotchkes to their doctor clients and prospects as a reminder of their wares.

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And so, wouldn’t it be interesting for these vendors to offer their doctors something of real value?  How about one of our Dictionaries of Health … in our series of three non-clinical handbooks? Affordable, memorable and valuable!


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