DOCTORS Getting OUT of Medical Practice!

By Staff Reporters



Why are doctors leaving practice?

For many physicians it’s about demographics. Just like the rest of us, doctors are aging too. Already the average physician age is about 53 years old. The Association of American Medical Colleges reports that about half of doctors are over the age of 55. Over the next decade, an estimated 40% of physicians will be over 65 years old. This means more than two of every five active physicians will reach age 65 within the next 10 years.



Moreover, compared with their boomer colleagues who were more likely to work past retirement, a robust 60% of younger Generation X doctors are reporting that they plan to retire by age 60.

Doctors cite poor quality of life and stress as reasons for their early departure. The pandemic certainly crushed many providers and has led to burnout. Generation X physicians in their 40s and early 50s were more likely than boomers to report that their current work life was not making the grade. In short, 43% of middle-aged doctors, compared with 31% of doctors over age 55, were reporting lower levels of professional fulfillment. Moreover, 47% of mostly Gen X doctors indicated dissatisfaction with their level of personal fulfillment compared with 36% of practicing boomer physicians.


That dissatisfaction is translating into action and the pandemic is not the only reason for discontent. One survey of physicians in Massachusetts indicated that one in four doctors plans to leave medicine in the next two years and that staffing shortages and related administrative demands, e.g., hospital system metrics, paperwork, eMRs and meeting insurance requirements, were the most cited source of workplace stress. 



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