Podcast: How the Health Care Bill Comparison News Application Came Together

A Problica Podcast

By Mike Webb, ProPublica – March 26, 2010 12:32 pm EDT

Last week, Olga Pierce and Jeff Larson created a side-by-side comparison of the health care bills [1] to help people see the exact changes in the legislation. Larson developed a news application that highlighted the changed, added or deleted provisions of the bill and Pierce had the unenviable task of going through the 2,000-plus page bill to decipher what the changes were. 

[picapp align=”none” wrap=”false” link=”term=insurance&iid=8337859″ src=”9/d/c/c/President_Obama_Signs_196b.JPG?adImageId=11862302&imageId=8337859″ width=”380″ height=”454″ /]


We talked to the pair, as well as to ProPublica’s editor of news applications, Scott Klein, about how and why they did it and the challenges they faced in turning it around so quickly.

Articles related to this podcast:

Why You Should Check Out the Health Care Bills Side by Side [2]

Eye on Health Care Reform [3]

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One Response

  1. Did you know that the same Supreme Court justices whom President Obama blasted during his State of the Union address this year may ultimately decide the fate of his crowning achievement as more than a dozen states have called on the courts to strike down the health insurance mandate of Democrats’ health care overhaul – a move that would threaten the entire law?

    More here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/29/health-care-mandate-at-court-steps/



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