What is the VIP [Patient] Syndrome


By Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA MEd CMP




DEFINITION: “VIP syndrome” is a term coined in 1964 by the psychiatrist Walter Weintraub to describe an intriguing paradox: Throughout history, the rich and famous, with all their resources and fancy doctors, have often received worse medical treatment, and suffered from worse health outcomes, than the average person. When physicians afford “special privileges” to their powerful patients, from “Mad King” George III to Michael Jackson, they seem to get sicker and even die. While Weintraub, a psychoanalyst, attributed the problem in part to doctors unconsciously resenting their influential patients, it seems doctors simply get starstruck around famous people and high-ranking figures. Despite their medical expertise, these physicians find themselves opting out of basic tests for “privacy” or prescribing dangerous medications for “comfort.”

CITE: https://www.r2library.com/Resource/Title/0826102549

RELATED: https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692(16)37268-3/fulltext

DKE: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/2018/09/14/what-is-the-dunning-kruger-effect/?preview_id=188020&preview_nonce=b5c7f4a5de&preview=true

INVITATION: https://medicalexecutivepost.com/dr-david-marcinkos-bookings/




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