New C-Suite Title Innovations

Who’s Reaching the C-suite in 2020?

A new analysis by LinkedIn’s Economic Graph team shows the fastest-growing “chief” titles of this year.

Chief diversity officer tops the list: Hiring for the title has grown about 84% as a proportion of total C-suite hires this year, relative to 2019’s share. While that’s the fastest expansion of any C-suite job this year, the title itself is still relatively uncommon in corporate America, accounting for less than half of 1% of all C-suite hires.

Chief growth officers — which often combine oversight of marketing, strategy and other functions — have also been in high demand. The title has been popular for a long time among consumer products companies, but it’s now popping up more often at tech companies.

Others on the list include chief underwriting officer (+43%) and chief revenue officer (+29%), as well as roles focused on people and talent. Regardless of the specialty, there’s widespread agreement that when a specific domain becomes important enough to win a spot in the C-suite, that’s a powerful signal about a company’s overall priorities.

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