SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER: Doctors, FAs and the Winter Blues


Out … Like a Light!

DST: Daylight saving time, also known as daylight savings time or daylight time, and summer time, is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time.

BUT – Do you have trouble fitting daylight into your winter lifestyle? Or, have difficulty seeing medical patients, making hospital rounds, or serving consulting or financial advisory clients? Maybe it’s SAD?

But, how do you cope with the long dark, days of December and January?

To raise awareness of SAD, First Choice has brought together statistics from sources such as SADA,, Bupa and the Mood Disorders Society of Canada to create this new infographic.

In it you can find out how much daylight office workers receive year-round, as well as a collection of facts that can help you recognize and treat SAD. With December and the winter solstice drawing in we are certainly in for some short days in the coming weeks.


And so, your thoughts and comments on this ME-P are appreciated. Regardless of occupation, how do you cope with SAD?

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