What is “Non-Price” Rationing?

Affects on Medicare-for-All?

[By staff reporters]
Queuing is a commonly-used way to solve the rationing problem caused by price ceilings.
A queue is a waiting line that solves the rationing problem on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Although price ceilings limit the monetary cost that buyers can pay so that buyer equilibrium cannot be restored by higher prices, they do not limit the nonmonetary cost of waiting.
So, what might be the implications of non-prioce rationing and the current M4A initiatives?
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2 Responses


    We had “company doctors” right after WW-II but feared rationing and so the private health insurance industry was born as a fringe benefit after the subsequent wage-price freeze! Now, we are again “back to the future” with the private – equity doctors being fired. So much for demand side economics.

    Currently, VBC, ACOs and capitation payments are just different next-generation model attempts to re-align them. However, is this what patients really want or even understand? It’s back to the future on rationing; once again?

    Aligned incentives were the norm back in the 50s and 60s. But, the “company doctor” was distrusted as a form of rationing. So, they were again de-coupled into the various models we have today by workers and labor unions, etc.



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