2014 – A Near Record Year for IPOs

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A 2014 Wrap-Up 

[By Inside the Ticker]










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6 Responses

  1. Worst IPOs

    The market for IPOs has been white-hot in 2014. According to Renaissance Capital, manager of IPO-focused ETFs, the number of U.S. IPOs has increased by 23.6% from 2013, while the total amount raised has risen by 65%, to $82 billion. Additionally, Alibaba Group Holding successfully staged the largest IPO in history, raising almost $21.8 billion.

    However, not all newly public stocks have performed well. Shares of Amedica, a silicon nitride implant maker, have fallen by more than 90%. With a book value of just under $12 million and nearly $5 million in losses in the last quarter, Amedica is quite small and quite risky.

    Of course, Amedica is not alone among dramatically falling IPOs. Offshore driller North Atlantic Drilling, IT company Sysorex, and Malaysian mobile payments company MOL Global have all plunged 75% or more so far this year.



  2. Nabriva aims for $92M from IPO

    An initial public offering has been filed by Nabriva Therapeutics with the goal of securing as much as $92 million. The Vienna, Austria-based firm is developing a treatment for bacterial pneumonia.



  3. This Is the Worst Performing IPO of 2015

    Last week, Etsy’s stock price dropped below its $16 offering price for the first time since its IPO. But, the company’s shares have been doing terribly for a while. Shares of Etsy have fallen more than 50% from where they stood at the end of its first day of trading. That makes it the worst performing IPO, based on that measure, in a year when IPOs haven’t been doing all that well.

    The average IPO has risen 15% from its offering price this year. That’s down from 21% last year, and 40% the year before that.




  4. IPOs back in 2015

    The IPO market is back on track in the middle of 2015, helped along by buoyant stock prices and a generally positive investor reception.


    The graphic below shows the sharp uptick in offerings this year.



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