Health Care Uses for Twitter [Suggestions for Micro-Sharing]

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Health Care Should be the Leader in MicroSharing – Why isn’t It?

[By Staff Reporters]

According to by Phil Baumann, RN BSN; @

“Twitter may either be the greatest time wasting prank ever played on the internet community – or- it may be the best thing since sliced bread. It’s easy to make the first case if you read the public time-line for a few minutes. It’s a bit harder to make the second, but I’ll do my best to make it. Specifically, I’d like to take a stab at offering 140 health care uses for Twitter. Twitter’s simplicity of design, speed of delivery and ability to connect two or more people around the world provides a powerful means of communication, idea sharing and collaboration. There’s potency in the ability to burst out 140 characters, including a shortened URI. Could this power have any use in healthcare? After all, for example, doctors and nurses.” 



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19 Responses

  1. Phil,
    Thank you.
    Ann Miller; RN, MHA


  2. More on Twitter,

    Here is an interesting article on why drug companies don’t use Twitter.



  3. Twittering and Toking Don’t Mix

    OR, why drug companies don’t use Twitter?; 2009-06-05 19:00:18-04, by Kevin Pho, MD

    After reading the above, it seems that most industries are rushing to jump aboard the Twitter bandwagon; even healthcare.

    But, if that’s true for most sectors, what’s-up with the pharmaceutical industry as a lone exception?

    In this article, David Williams points out the lack of Twitter activity from the major pharmaceutical companies, where many of the Pharma-related keywords being owned by those not affiliated with the company.



  4. Twitter with a Volkstwist

    Phil Baumann, RN BSN; @, posted an article about his free eBook, “140 Health Care Uses for Twitter.” The inspiration for his book began on January 16, when he posted an article by that name. The article triggered wide interest worthy of a book.

    Bauman covers almost everything – such as tissue recruitment for kidneys and other organs, diabetes management, emergency room triage management, food safety alerts and 136 other uses for Twitter that range from why-not? reasonable to superb. But he failed to offer much about how Twitter can be used to promote accountability, and he said nothing about how one can use Twitter to finally demand accountability from bureaucrats who have dodged it for decades.

    On page 5, Bauman mentions that CEOs who are interested in improving their products need Twitter to learn what is being said about them. Oh, Mr. Baumann, consumers can only hope. If one has witnessed my work, one understands that for a CEO to tweet comfortably, it demands a sincere love of one’s work and extreme confidence in one’s purpose and ethics. It’s out there, but it is still very rare.

    In all fairness, lesser quality CEO-types – and you know who you are – should be warned that if you feel shame, forget about Twitter and the blogosphere. You should hope dissatisfied patrons on Twitter never find you. You don’t want to make touching you too easy for us.

    In the spirit of lynchings, I posted the following comment on Bauman’s blog.

    I looked through the 140 uses for Twitter, Phil Bauman, and I didn’t see my favorite – Holding insurance CEOs like Mike McCallister of Humana accountable for denying a dental claim for a simple filling.

    That may not sound like a big deal to anyone outside the profession, but trust me – to demand an x-ray for proof that a patient needed a filling is in-your-face absurd. There is simply not a good reason for a dental consultant to do so, even if he or she is working on commission. Did someone think I was going to get away with tens of dollars of unearned income? Before Twitter came along, Humana could do things like this for no other reason than to delay payment.

    I finally gotcha, Mike McCallister! I hope other CEOs learn to respect use number 141 for Twitter.

    At last, accountability. If you don’t believe me, ask Mike McCallister. Humana still has its Twitter site open. One can contact him there. I did.

    D. Kellus Pruitt; DDS [“Proots”]

    The twist

    For those who missed me in the last few days, as well as those who haven’t, I haven’t been far away. I’ve been playing grandiose national games on Twitter – exploring boundaries – and perhaps crossing them on occasion. I’m not going to take the time to describe my Twitter adventures here, other than to let sports fans know that I have contacted Ms. Kim Volk, President and CEO of Delta Dental Plans Association using Twitter, and have duly informed her that I am taking charge of contract negotiations with DDPA for any of the nation’s dentists that are interested in what I can win for them, for free.

    Now then, how’s that for a teaser? Whatever the title is, for SEO reasons, it will start with “Kim E. Volk.”

    D. Kellus Pruitt; DDS


  5. Here is an article on more tips for doctors who use Twitter.

    But, it is not as good as the one posted by Phil.



  6. Trajan King Quits

    I know this may not be a surprise for some of you to hear, but I want to be the first to report that Twitter could be an incredibly nimble and quick public platform for transparent labor negotiations between providers, including dentists, and the Obama administration, as well as dental insurance companies. Truth, manpower and patients are on our side. We’ve actually had the advantage for a long, long time, but lacked an effective and inexpensive way to communicate … until now.

    Now we have Twitter. When Twitter is used alone or in conjunction with dedicated bloggers the effort can pay off with incredible political power, and better working conditions. Sounds revolutionary, doesn’t it? Beware: Should you continue to read my comment, by default, you will continue to participate in a proof-of-concept trial simply because it will increase the page-rank of this comment. So watch out.

    When marketplace transparency all but eliminates managed-care from dentistry because of value issues you and I have been aware of for decades, control of dentistry will be returned to the hands of dentists who have always been the only ones who truly care for the welfare of dental patients. Only then will the millions of dollars currently wasted on preventive care limited to 12 month PPO contracts, be returned to consumers’ wallets.

    In a free market, personal care is always rewarded, and middle-men shunned. With social networking, the times are ripe for incredible market improvements which will overcome the grip of public and private parasites. For example, there is even serious talk of repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act which protects insurance companies from anti-trust suits. Wouldn’t it be just swell to watch the FTC nip at BCBS’s butt for once instead of the ADA’s!

    I’m sorry if all this sounds just a little too inflated. But I can confidently tell you that this is the event horizon of dental history.

    To get a look at the latest in my adventure, I invite you to check out my Twitter response I posted this afternoon to breaking news that Trajan King, formerly CEO of ADA/IDM was not ousted after all. He quit (Gasp!)

    When Kevin Henry describes fast-moving news, he got it right. I’m not quite as connected as he is.

    D. Kellus Pruitt DDS “@Proots”


  7. OMG

    Now, it seems that some hospitals are trying out Twitter from the operating room [OR] to educate, update and inform. But, are tweets discoverable for legal admissability purposes?



  8. Twittering in Hospitals

    Nurses are an essential part of hospitals and can function as a communication lifeline to patients, doctors, and others in the facility.

    These days, there are lots of different tools you can use to communicate, but Twitter is an exciting one to consider, just because it holds so much potential.

    Read on, and you’ll learn about 101 different ways you can use Twitter in your hospital.



  9. Baumann’s Call to Arms
    Use of Twitter in Healthcare in 2009

    Ann Miller; RN, MHA


  10. Are Some FAs Breaking the Social Media Rules?

    Many financial advisors are using social-networking Web sites despite company directives that prohibit the practice, a recent survey has revealed.

    Of course, employees should do as they are told or be terminated.



  11. Twitter for Health Journalists?

    More and more journalists and people in communications are using Twitter, an Internet-based messaging and micro-blogging service.

    However, Twitter can be difficult to understand at first and many journalists wonder just how they would use it.

    Here are some tips especially for health journalists on using Twitter.

    Hope R. Hetico RN, MHA
    [Managing Editor]


  12. Why doctors should be careful on Twitter

    Here is an essay, on twittering, by George Lundberg MD. As the former editor of JAMA, I’ve always appreciated his opinions on medical journalism even thought I might not always agree.

    Nevertheless, I am not a narcissist [just take a look at some photos] and we don’t have a twitter account for the ME-P. However, we did quickly realize the huge upside strategy to a well-utilized Internet and social media presence for all medical professionals and their related financial and business advisors.

    So MD and FAs, do you agree with George; why or why not?

    Dr. David Edward Marcinko MBA CMP™


  13. Healthcare Innovation Thought Leaders to Follow on Twitter

    1. Sam Basta, Founder and President, Healthcare Innovation by Design
    2. Harry Greenspun, MD, Senior Advisor, Healthcare Transformation and Technology for the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions
    3. Lyle Berkowitz, MD, Founder, Szollosi Healthcare Innovation Program
    4. Larry Stofko, MS, Executive Vice-President, Innovation Institute, St. Joseph Health System
    5. Naomi Fried, Chief Innovation Officer, Boston Children’s Hospital
    6. Joseph Kvedar, Director, Center For Connected Health
    7. Halle Tecco, Managing Director – NYC, Rock Health

    Source: Healthcare Innovation News


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